New POWER CAPTAIN just joined my first level an hour ago, someone from here at Adlandpro Community, YAY!! Thanks everyone for taking a look at Lotto Magic and bookmarking it!
I just made this banner yesterday for free at PureSilvaBannerMaker, you can also upload photos and put captions on them, it's fun (but don't forget to advertise, don't doof around all day!!)
As a Power Captain, you earn $50 recurring monthly from each Power Captain on your first level, and $4 recurring monthly from each on levels 2 thru 5.
If each Power Captain justs makes 5 personal signups of Power Captains and that's all we each ever do, JUST FIVE, we'll each earn $15,150 per MONTH, that's $181,800 per YEAR, and have 70,308 monthly tickets in Powerball AND Florida Lotto (35,154 each in Powerball and FL Lotto) that would be a yearly total of over 800,000 lottery tickets in play for the group. The least we ever get is 10% of ALL winning tickets within 5 levels under us, even if there are 1,000's of people in our group!
LOTTO MAGIC has been in business since 1996 and has members in all 50 states and several countries and is rated A by the Better Business Bureau!!