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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/24/2009 8:48:02 PM
Hello Dear Roger!

My greatest dream actually is that my financial situation gets much better and that I can buy myself a Motorcycle and start riding around visiting and exploring wonderful places of the World... Here is a good example...

Have a great weekend!


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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 5:47:20 PM


I am SO CLOSE to my goal that I can't reveal at present but I know, If you keep your goal real, live and realistic it WILL HAPPEN. Quicker than you realise too.


Flag of Branka Babic

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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 6:27:42 PM

Hi Roger, Kathleen, Luis and Alain !

You provoked my frisky inner animal to start toying now, instead to move this exhausted masseuse`s body into a most desired horizontal position :) .


I see Kathleen, who`s hair hasn`t seen the comb for a days ago ... playing with an old pillow`s feathers (the pillow is from the beginning of the 20th century and no one knows where she found it).

Luis Miguel is playing with the marbles, having the squirrel on his left shoulder.

Alain is riding his wooden horse and the horse`s mane is made from the pale green wool :) .

Roger is doing something (don`t know to say) with his fingers and the thread (not knitting :) ) .... and whistling one nice song.

I am meditating near all of them, searching for the way to manifest the money which each one  has mentioned as the most important for their dreams. At the moments when I have touched the wand, learning how to "put it in action" , I could realize that this, what I considered as my inner beauty, is a kind of the selfishness ...  Each of my friends HAS THE SAME NEED TO REVIAL the way to convert the dreams into money, and then ... to convert the money into their higher dreams . If they were not called to do that ... they would never have the dreams.

Also, I have learned so many great things about having ANY mediator between us and our wealth and abundance. We do not need THE MEDIATOR, Savior or Fairies, good or bad luck.


I just saw that releasing AN EGO IDENTITIES (idols) and recasting them at the STAGE CALLED OUR LIFE by OUR SOUL`S DIVINE PERSONALITIES (Jesus or any of the God`s names we were born with) IS THAT KEY ... simple, powerful ... just great . There`s no one dream which won`t be realized if we really WANT TO KNOW HOW.

Having the faith means actually : UNDERSTANDING and being aware.

Thanks to all of you for didn`t let me go to sleep.

Love and hugs,







Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 7:39:23 PM

WOW Branka!

You must have ESP, when I was a child, I had an old feather pillow, probably from the 18th century...LOL.  I think it was from my grandmother.  I would pull out feathers from the corners every night. 

One time I found a toy monkey in a neighbors trash can, and wouldnt let anyone take it away from me.  My mother let me keep it because it wasn't filthy but had stuffing coming out. 

I just now got home from being out in the rain, I don't even let myself do things against my own plans, such as coming home because it was raining. Actually my hair looks better uncombed.  Why bother? It just goes back into thick ringlets 2 minutes later.  If people see me looking good once, they'll expect it all the time. I should post rained-on-hayfever-purple-nightmare-Hawaiian-shirt photos.

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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 8:47:50 PM

Hi Roger and Friends,

Since my last post awhile ago, I realized I haven't fulfilled one of my minor wishes drink tea on the veranda of the mansion!  Really.  There's a mansion that's less than a mile from here, and I found out all the outdoor motion-detector lights go on at night.  So I'm planning to go there maybe in early October, before it gets too dark in the evening, but after the landscaping season is over, and take a thermos of tea, and also take Jayson and a camera.  If he gets in the right place first, then I can quickly sit on the steps and sip my tea and he can take my picture.  That's my wish of getting my well-planned pre-meditated tea-drinking photo at the mansion.  It has a third-floor ballroom and a bowling alley and when it was for sale, they wouldn't let people inside to look around unless they could show proof of very high income.

What made me think of the mansion? My Hawaiian shirt commentary before! That's my dirty little secret, I have tons of very baggy very gaudy Hawaiian shirts.  The boys delivered newspapers all over the place when they were younger, in neighborhoods that nobody else wanted because of one-way streets and confusing areas.  The mansion neighborhood is set up as a triangle and all the streets around it go out in larger triangles, very easy to get lost and not be able to figure out where you are, it was confusing but we had a map and I always wore very bright Hawaiian shirts so the boys could see me from far away, we had 220 newpapers, they each did 70 and I did 80.  Dennis refused to deliver by himself in October because of too-realistic Halloween scarecrows, witches, and other creepy decorations blowing in the winds.  We got tired of the good neighborhood because the houses are too far apart and the lawn sprinklers made our shoes wet, so I asked for a several-hundred-paper-delivery in crummy neighborhoods!  I did ask, ha! and we got it, and got done much faster and no wet shoes!  The newspaper office was annoyed because they never could find anyone else to deliver to the triangular very good neighborhood correctly, before or after, it was that confusing for everyone!


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