* Rated A by the Better Business Bureau.
* In business for 13 and a half years worldwide.
* Members in all 50 states and several countries.
* Excellent support.
* Diversified promotional materials for online and offline.
* Has paid all members the correct commissions and lottery winnings on time monthly for 13 and a half years.
* No competition in the lottery club plan of paying 10% winnings within 5 levels, even if there are 1,000's of people per group, the least you'll ever receive in winnings is 10% from all winning tickets within 5 levels under you. Lotto Magic members have the ability to play 30-state Powerball and Florida Lotto in every twice-weekly drawing, no matter where you live.
* The product is always in high demand, the lottery has been a multi-billion dollar per year industry for several decades.
* Advertising saturation is not a problem, no matter how many people are advertising Lotto Magic online and offline, there is no shortage of new prospects. There have been record-breaking amounts of signups every month this year.
* High commission earning potential, up to $50 recurring monthly for each personal signup and up to $4 recurring monthly on downliners in levels 2 thru 5. If you're a Power Captain, just 4 signups of Power Captains per person is over $66,000 yearly in commissions, and just 5 signups per person is over $181,000 per year, not including any potential lottery winnings.
* Most members join at the highest earning levels, no penalty for immediate upgrade if someone under you joins at a higher level, you can upgrade right away and get that higher commission.
* Only 2 signups of equal status to your membership position are needed to break even on your membership cost.
* Lots of lead generating tools.
* Weekly conference calls for training and questions, plus training and opportunity-prospecting recordings are available on audio CD.
* You can earn a great recurring monthly income with just a few personal signups who also each get a few personal signups, even if you never personally win the lottery.