NEWS: Some of your favorite nominees are ineligible because of inactive forums or NO FORUMS but it is FIXABLE if they re-activate or start a forum, such as Gabrielle, Sava, Fionnuala, Heidi, Nick G, Sandra B, and many others who you'd like to nominate.
Here's a partial list of ELIGIBLE NOMINEES (first and last name, 1 active forum, been here at least 60 days)
Lots of people who WERE on it have been removed because of inactive forums. There ARE lots more people, look around!!
Anyone who meets the requirements and wants to be nominated, let your friends know! If your forum is inactive or near being inactive, re-open it or post to it, it takes more than a month without posts for a forum to go inactive.
Robert Vaughan Miracle Ukomadu Robert DeMerode Laila Falck Terri Pattio Minkailu Thomas-njanque Valerie Clavin Shirley Caron Michael Caron Neil Sperling Shailesh Parkar Jason Lamure Anamaria Padurean Jan Green Kim Stilwell Beryl Payton Michael Clayton Lajon Thomas Ray Ramos Carol Carr Tony Beach Mary Bird Dave Cottrell Linda Miller Marisol Sosa Andy Mihalache Kathy Hamilton Luella May Jim Cerne Deb Kwek Bunny Ramey
Visit the 197th poll link in the sig file below to get a start on the next election! THANKS!!