
Google Cash 4 for ONLY $1
7/4/2009 7:15:14 PM

Everybody knows who Chris Carpenter is, and most of us have
read his Google Cash ebook.  We read his first edition in 2003,
and he has been updating it ever since, always documenting
the best practices for affiliate marketers.

Now that Internet video is here, Chris has created a new
video home study course, Google Cash 4.

For 6 years, Chris has been making over $30,000 in profits each
and every month selling affiliate products with PPC advertising.

Google Cash 4 is the culmination of all his best practices, and
this course has been almost a year in the making!

You can check it out here:

Google Cash 4 is going to sell for $197 and is worth every penny, but
right now in conjunction with the free trial of the Google Cash Detective,
Chris is offering his famous course in video form for ONLY $1.

You can still get the new course TODAY, and
I recommend that you JUMP on this opportunity.  

Many online marketers got their start with Google Cash,
and now you can watch the latest video tutorials to quickly
get up to speed on how to make money online today.

If you are already using the free trial of the Google Cash Detective,
you can continue it for 7 more days by purchasing Google Cash 4
for  $1.

Better yet, if you decide that you want to keep using the Detective
to find profitable affiliate campaigns, you will be able to CUSTOMIZE
your membership to fit your skill level and budget.

This is GREAT value!!

Savvy affiliate marketers test out a niche without wasting
money on trial and error.  

Between Google Cash 4 and the Detective, you will have
a MASSIVE advantage over your competition.

AND you can now get the Detective on a monthly basis!

Get your Google Cash 4 Video Home Study course while
it is only $1, and see what all the talk is about.

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