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This 4th Of July Do Something Special
7/1/2009 7:45:01 PM
Greetings All Our members of the armed forces bear more than their faif share of the responsibility of maintaining our freedom. In fact, they bear nearly all of it. Along with this responsibility comes an inordinate amount of stress and mental anguish. It is for this reason that i ask you to consider giving some small token of your appreciation this 4 th of July. Mental health problems are at an all time high in the military and the reasons are obvious. Here is what you can do to help our Brothers and Sisters In Arms Their service ensures our freedom Independence Day is a day to celebrate our country's freedom. But on this day, like every day, thousands of veterans and active service members are affected by mental illness. You can help. Make a donation online and add your name to NAMI's Veterans Tribute Honor Roll. You may also make your gift in tribute to a veteran, active duty service member, or other loved one, and include a message of support for display on the Honor Roll. Your contribution will show our men and women in uniform whose lives are affected by mental illness that they are not alone, and that their fellow Americans stand with them. Make a Tribute Gift | View Honor Roll If you know someone who might be interested in NAMI's Veterans Tribute Honor Roll, please forward this email.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: This 4th Of July Do Something Special
7/1/2009 7:46:09 PM
Their service ensures our freedom Independence Day is a day to celebrate our country's freedom. But on this day, like every day, thousands of veterans and active service members are affected by mental illness. You can help. Make a donation online and add your name to NAMI's Veterans Tribute Honor Roll. You may also make your gift in tribute to a veteran, active duty service member, or other loved one, and include a message of support for display on the Honor Roll. Your contribution will show our men and women in uniform whose lives are affected by mental illness that they are not alone, and that their fellow Americans stand with them. Make a Tribute Gift | View Honor Roll If you know someone who might be interested in NAMI's Veterans Tribute Honor Roll, please forward this email.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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