Thanks Kathleen and Thomas. You are 2 leaders on Adland and we could not do without you. I'm grateful to my friends for nominating me for my 2nd time of POTW. I think the Person of the Week is a great award and I'm proud to represent this week.
I've been on the Internet reading, writing etc since 2000 and I've been a member on Adland since 2004. My first friends here were Kathy Hamilton, Pauline, Sharon Lee and LaNell. Thanks ladies for being my girl friends.
In 1987 a friend set me up on a blind date with "Steve." On our first date, we went to a Music by Moonlight concert. After that first date, we just kept on dating exclusively and were married a year later. Our 20th wedding anniversary was last year. Steve is the LOVE OF MY LIFE.
We live on a "floating home" -- What is that you ask? It's a "house" that is sits on HUGE, old growth logs and is moored to a common dock. We get to our house by walking down a ramp. It is just wonderful in the summer to gaze out at the beautiful river!
We were not blessed to have children, so our cats (Sophie and Snickers) are our 2 kids (Soph is the black cat... and Snick is the Tortie). Hubby is in Wood & metal recycling & construction, I'm his office manager.
My favorite hobbies are reading (women's devotional books), history (mostly Great Britain), arts and crafts, sewing, quilting, little bit of scrapbooking. I LOVE to garden, I grow pots and pots of flowers and veggies. This summer I planted 6 potsl of tomatoes and they are growing pretty huge. Last year our tomatoes were wonderful. We had tomatoes nearly every day and I made lots of salsa. I also grew lettuce and herbs. The basil took over!! Lucky we like PESTO!! I thank God for giving us the good weather so hubby and I can have salads all summer long.
The cats and I watch hubby fish - he throws a worm in the river and reels them in. It's relaxing after a day on the keyboard to read on the deck with Sophie & Snickers and watch the ducks. I've never seen a cat who loves to fish like Snickers does! When hubby catches a small fish, Snickers is RIGHT THERE. She'd "fish all day" if we'd let her! We also catch CRAWDADS and cook them up in BIG pots and have my family over for our annual crawdad feed.
Here are picture of our cats and a picture of Snickers in her "heyday" when we let her carry the fish into the house.
I'm also interested in digital photography and lile to put my pictures in my forums and Adland photo gallery.
My favorite businesses are UBIEE and JERKY DIRECT. I'm also a free member in Wholefood Farmacy. I extend my thanks to Linda Harvey for telling me about Jerky Direct in 2008. I LOVE Jerky Direct. The Jerky is SO delicious. If you want to check out Jerky Direct, my link is Jerky Direct products provide a healthy, all natural source of protein. Many of our products contain no preservatives, no added MSG, no nitrites, no Erythorbate, no artificial ingredients, and are only minimally processed. Our business only costs 12 bucks a month!! Anyone can do it.
My second business is UBIEE SEO PRO, I'm advertising my businesses to people ALL OVER THE WORLD for about 2 EUR a month. Our rotator is FANTASTIC. UBIEE SEO PRO is an Advanced Search Engine recognition system. With EACH URL that you submit, your company is be indexed by Google with the name right on top. When potential customers are searching for your product or service that you have submitted in UBIEE SEO PRO, they can find INSTANT search results with your name included! We have members in countries all over the world.
My favorite Adland forum is my "fun" one: Humor, Friendship, Romance and Inspiration. Please post all your favorite LOVE poems, Inspirational stories, Jokes, Humor here and even Recipes! Love is the most powerful emotion! Cry LESS, Laugh MORE, Smile OFTEN! NO ADS ARE PERMITED. Click to see it:
Not but not least, I'm active in my church in our ladies group and choir. John 3:16. For GOD so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in HIM, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
God Bless All my Adland friends. Have a FUN year and may you be prosperous and healthy!
Congratulations, Pat! You won within the first week of putting your last name on your profile, WOW! Good decision! Have a fantastic week as POTW and tell your cat it's also world-famous this week!
Robert Vaughan
Nick Sym
Nick's forum "Poems of Life, Love, and Religion"
Please visit the FRIENDS OF POTW FORUMS, if you'd like your forum linked here, announce the Nominations/Election link to your forum members every week! THANK YOU!!
NOMINATIONS/ELECTION thread for this week ending next Tuesday, July 7th for the 196th POTW: