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Are you put off by advertising forums?
6/28/2009 5:19:24 PM

Are you put off by advertising forums?

advertising.bmp advertising image by prettyrainbowzz


If you wanted to advertise a business opportunity would you use a forum to do it?

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Re: Are you put off by advertising forums?
6/28/2009 5:46:27 PM

No, I'm not put off by advertising forums, sometimes they are much more entertaining than the entertainment forums!  Today, for example, I saw someone advertising Clickbank programs, but he was using the angle toward the affiliate benefits instead of promoting customer benefits, totally backwards!  I posted after his post and told him that.

I deliberately built up my own advertising forum membership, and do so on a regular basis.  That was my plan when I first started my forum, I tell people the link to it when I invite new friends.

Yes, if I wanted to advertise a business, I would definitely do it in a forum format.  We have a lot of space to tell people all the details, and get their feedback, and reply to them, then other people see the views going higher and click in to see what it's about.  Forums are a very good way to advertise because of group participation, and the forum posts are there in public indefinitely.  PLUS, our downliners in MLM's can use that information for their own promotions, if they are wise, they'll do it without being told by personal message.  Forum posts for advertising cover a lot of bases all at once.

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Re: Are you put off by advertising forums?
6/28/2009 5:53:03 PM


Good points. I hope others come and take note.

I have noticed a fall off in posts since the new blog-type opportunities, would others agree?

Sir Roger

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Re: Are you put off by advertising forums?
7/2/2009 6:17:41 PM

Hi everyone,

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This forum thread has attracted several readers but few posts but the feeling that I am getting is that most folk are happy with advertising forums as long as they are labelled that way.

Or am I wrong?

image_castle008-1.gif image by romacmail

Re: Are you put off by advertising forums?
7/3/2009 6:35:06 AM
I only like advertising if it is stated as such.  Also, do not like getting ads from friends.
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