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Re: Forums: Do you look for an answer? Do you answer posts?
6/28/2009 6:10:32 PM

Picture - ruins, roman forum, 
rome, italy. fotosearch 
- search stock 
photos, pictures, 
images, and photo 

Forums have been popular for a long time

Let's keep them going another 2000 years


Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Forums: Do you look for an answer? Do you answer posts?
7/2/2009 6:33:47 PM

Am I vain?

When I post something I do it for a reason.

Either I like somebody and want to say so


I have an opinion that I wish to share


I want to support another persons forum

etc etc



Is there anybody there? It's terribly quiet..... shhhhhhhh don't wake sleeping forum posters......

cannon.gif Cannon image by pivotblimp12


B A N G !

Sorry, did I wake you?


Sir Roger

Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Forums: Do you look for an answer? Do you answer posts?
7/2/2009 7:51:02 PM

Hi Roger,

Maybe everyone is still on vacation/holiday or gearing up for this 4th of July weekend in USA, a lot of places have off work tomorrow so the weekend started tonight for a lot of people.

I heard an expression "Logical Friday" or "Logical Monday" ...the Thursdays or Tuesdays before or after a long holiday weekend when people forget what day it is, and think Thursday is their Friday if they have no work on Friday, or the think Tuesday is their Monday if they have off on Monday.  Whew!  Get it??

I also saw another great idea at a different networking place....a "Crazy Train" multi-forum visit, starting at someone's forum, then there's a link to another, then at the next there's a link to another, it would bring visitors to a lot of forums in succession, if people would stop for a moment and post at each before going to the next.

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Forums: Do you look for an answer? Do you answer posts?
7/3/2009 1:26:39 AM

Thanks Kathleen,

Yes, I followed your logic there, thank you, you may be right.

I like the Crazy Train thing. Maybe after the 4th we'll think about it.

I have always wanted to do the story where somebody adds the next paragraph. Policing it is the hard thing as you have to choose best paragraph.


Sir Roger


Re: Forums: Do you look for an answer? Do you answer posts?
7/3/2009 6:32:59 AM
It is nice to hear replies and ideas, but can be boring if someone talks back to thank every single person that has sent in a reply.
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