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Help Needed For Mold Victim
6/12/2009 8:38:37 PM

Dear Friends

   I am sorry to have to start this thread all over but I had to delete a couple of posts and when I did i lost almost everything.

  Anyhow, We have a 14 year old boy in Canada that desparately needs our help. He is very sick from mold and has to come to the states for treatment. Evidently it is even harder to find Drs to treat mold patients  in Canada than it is here.

    We have to set up a paypal acct for this. could someone either set up the acct or tell me how to do it. We need to raise a little money for travel expenses and for his treatment.

   Here is a little of what his Mother has told me about this young mans health.

Today at 6:08pm
Hi Bill i am truely sorry to hear everything you are going through. I will keep you and Savannah in my prayers.
My son has a really bad infection in his urine. I took him to a scheduled Urologist app. Tuesday in Toronto told the dr urologist speacilist my sons symptoms without even checking him over or checking his urine he said no he doesnt have an infection. So today took him to our family dr he tested his urine and said he has a bad infection put him on strong high dose antibiotics. My sons hair is falling out he has couple bald patches forming and itchy open sores on his head. our family dr prescribed medicated cream for that. I feel so bad for my son suffering. He has alot more wrong but that was todays findings. Our dr said his hair falling out his from the thyroid disorder he has now. He never had that prior to moving into that house. Our family dr said today as we were leaving he wishes he could do more for my son. He seemed genunily concerned today for him he looks so weak.
About the bank the one I checked with yesterday told me its against the law to open up account for that reason without a letter from a lawyer. I have to check at another bank.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your caring and support.
Sincerely Donna
ther is much more to this story that I will post as we move along with this but this situation is very serious. This boy needs our help right away,  Please spread the word about this cause and please do all you can to support this family. this young man is very sick and needs our help.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Help Needed For Mold Victim
6/13/2009 11:49:30 PM
Here is a little more about the young man I am trying to get help for. It has to be a nightmare watching your son get sicker by the day. I am going to sety up a pay pal acct for this family. they live in Canada and have to travel to the states for treatment. there will be the expense of the treatment itself and of course lodging and a few other expenses. this woman is unable to work. She has to take care of her son and she is a cancer survivor too so thios family has been through hell. Please do all you can to help this mother and her son get to the states for treatment. Please spread the word about this cause. It is so important that they get some help.
Donna Knapp wrote15 hours ago
I would like to thank Bill and everyone here for your support and help. It is my 14 yearold son that is seriously sick. I am unable to work due to cancer. Prior to two years ago before we moved my son was healthy, A, At student at school next to perfect attendance at school, he had a paper route, played baseball a loving, caring boy towards others. It all changed when I thought I was doing the right thing and moved my family to a rural setting, small town where life is slower paced I thought to be a healthier lifestyle and more relaxing to raise children. We moved to that dream end of August 2007 that soon became a nightmare. Soon after moving to that house my son 12 then started vomitting regular in the mornings went to the dr. My son started getting more health problems throughout his body we got sent from dr to dr. At this point we were always going to drs. By early December my son was falling down and having to crawl to washroom to vomit. I started moving his bedroom furniture out from the walls and discovered mold it had grown into side of his bed. It was a century home and really small upstairs ceilings just above our heads. So furniture had to be close to walls to be able to get into the rooms. My landlord never cooperated with us of course tryed to blame us. I got the professional air quality mold test back two days before Christmas to find we had Chaetomium, Aspergillius, Penicillium,Alternia and Basidiospores. I knew we had to move. I have three other sons as well we all got sick but my 14 yearold son got the worst. His bedroom was the worst people looking at the report could tell which bedroom he slept in. By the time we moved Feb 1st my sons bedroom was getting covered everywhere by mold his floors it had grown into all his bedroom furniture. I had taken him out of his bedroom the day I found the mold and put him in the livingroom.
I tried to find place we could move to right away also tried shelters and they were full. We found a place to move February 1st. The basement was covered everywhere floors walls going through house in furnace by the time we moved. My 14 yearold son is sick now throughout his entire body with a long list of health problems he is really weak. I have to monitor my 8 yearold son. I had hoped when we moved we would all feel better and that my 14 yearold would get better and could attend school as he has missed more school than he was able to attend after the move to the house with the mold.He has been home schooled since just after we moved. The board provides three hours each week some days we have to cancel he isn't up to it. I just want my son to get better and be able to live like 14 yearold should be able to. My son has a wheel chair and cane now, other safety devives. My son has numerous serious health problems now that he never had before August 2007.
I just want my son to getter better. I tell my son every day I won't stop working on getting him the treatment he needs until he does get better. It is really hard every day watching him get worse and more health problems and getting our hopes up here getting sent to specialist after specialist that we will get answers. My son has many diagnosis throughout his body now of health dieases and illness that are listied all over the internet caused by toxic mold.

Sincerley Donna
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Help Needed For Mold Victim
6/14/2009 1:15:16 PM

Hello everybody

   I know this isn't making much sence. trying to have a fundraiser with no place to send donations. We are working on that. We were a little reluctant to use pay pal because of different things we've heard about them. Donna is going to another bank and I tried to set up a paypal acct yesterday. They said there was alreaqdy an acct under my email address. I had to write to them and tell them that there shouldn't be. I have not heard back from them.

    It seems like everything that could go wrong here has but we are still working very hard on this. All I know is the kid needs help fast. Here is something that Donna poted on her Facebook site.

Donna Knapp

Donna Knapp

Donna Knapp Thank you to all our friends and family for all your support

Donna Knapp

Donna Knapp Our old house my sons bedroom wall beside where he slept

Donna Knapp
Donna Knapp

Donna Knapp I am unable to work due to cancer, my son is really sick from toxic mold. Two years ago my son was healthy, had a paper route helped put food on the table with his earnings, played baseball and was A, At student. I have been going to doctors steady for over year and hes getting worse. I have to find a way to take him to the states for treatment before its too late for him.

Ilana Glube-Szabo
Ilana Glube-Szabo
Donna you have to stay positive things will pull through
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy