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Re: Your Business NOW
6/14/2009 4:41:28 PM

Almost everyone has a cell phone. I have found a unique opportunity that will definitely have the biggest impact on the mobile communications industry ever. It will have the "big boys" scrambling! Check it out at: or email:

Flag of Dwight Bryce

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6/14/2009 9:46:21 PM

You're in an interesting arena...seems to be a thorny issue. Have you faced any political..resistance from people about the product. As far as the economy is something that's always at the top of people's minds no matter what. Which is a great thing. I'm glad to here you have good upline support..though..I like your site..well organized.

Flag of Dave Woodward

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Re: Your Business NOW
6/15/2009 5:29:16 AM
Some things have slowed down but there are good products and programs out there that are working for me.
They are not get rich quick, but steady little earners which all help to give you that extra income we all need.

A company that buy and upgrade web sites that you can share in is making good returns no work required by you just a small investment can be made, give it a try. I'm showing a steady profit and have now made a larger investment as the company have proved that they can make money.

A second newish program that I have made a modest investment that uses Ebay which has made many people lots of money

A new exciting site which may be the next face book or Utube.
If you join now, all totally FR*EE, then they will give you
100 PEPs just for joining ( each pep is worth real money). This is fr*ee
money on offer so please join, it will not cost you anything; thats nothing,
zilch, zero. Here is!

Kind regards Dave
Flag of Dave Woodward

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Re: Your Business NOW
6/15/2009 5:47:25 AM
Just take a look via links, or vist my blog for more details on.
It's good stuff
Kind regards Dave
Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Some Good ideas
6/15/2009 10:26:29 AM
I like what I'm hearing so far:

EJ:  I'm hearing the same thing about the housing market....that the time to get involved is now. They're saying Tax liens and Foreclosures...etc. You might be positioned very well for now.

JN: I run into a lot of people who are involved with the Code. They have good things to say about. Glad that there's good training..that's vital in any good opportunity out there.

MW: I agree with all of the principles  that you laid out. That's exactly what the wealthy do! If Liberty Wealth Club represents that..then the members are in real good hands. Information like that in these invaluable.

PH:  Emerging generally looked at as a good any time. Mobile communications seems to have a big focus on innovation..which can create a lot of wealthy people.

Much success to all of you.



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