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Flag of John Leal

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How cute is this?
6/4/2009 6:28:16 PM

How cute is this photo?

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: How cute is this?
6/4/2009 7:26:37 PM
Hi John,

Yep those three 'bandit eyed' raccoons sure look cute. 

James and I met a couple who were able to get near and pat
many of the young and older raccoons of several generations
that were born on their property each year.  Some were more friendly than others. This particular year these family of 3 young raccoons were friendly and we got to sit quietly and let them
come right up to us and eat pieces of apple from our fingers. 
They loved to have the outside tap dripping so they could wash their paws and their pieces of apple before eating.

I was quite taken with them my first and only up close and
personal interaction with live raccoons - seen many dead on the
road from being hit by vehicles.


Flag of Peter Fogel

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Re: How cute is this?
6/5/2009 12:46:51 AM

Hi John,

Yep, cute as hell.

Our friend Amanda has an up close and personal relationship with them it seems and from what she says they seem more hygienic then many humans. :)



Peter Fogel
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Re: How cute is this?
6/6/2009 6:47:45 PM
Hi John,

Oh, I just love it.  It is so cute, I would love to see something like this. Thanks for the post.


Flag of John Leal

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Re: How cute is this?
6/6/2009 8:01:22 PM

Hi Amanda

It always amazes me how different countries have different animals unique to them, but all cute. Our friendliest is probably a bird called the magpie. They'll walk through your kitchen door if they know they'll score some mince. They say if you split their tongue (an unscrupulous practise) they'll talk as well as a parrot.



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