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Sam Sunday

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Re: It's Time To Congratulate CHERYL BAXTER, the 190th POTW!
5/29/2009 7:01:39 AM
Hello Poet Cheryl Baxter, What a great honor to have your smiles adorn our ALP pages as our queen of the week, POTW #190. I am always delighted to read your poetic posts all over our community forum. Did you know you put a lot of smiles on your friends' faces? Yes, me in particular!! Thanks for your friendship and support and have a swell reign my friend!
Re: It's Time To Congratulate CHERYL BAXTER, the 190th POTW!
5/29/2009 7:15:08 AM

Dear Friend Cheryl..........!


Happy to know that you are the Person of the Week.

You really deserve for the same.

We all feel proud of you.

May God bless you with all "His Riches" ( Amen ).

Friendly Yours,


Judy Smith

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Re: It's Time To Congratulate CHERYL BAXTER, the 190th POTW!
5/29/2009 7:50:53 PM

Hello POTW Team!!

So nice to have a second to drop in.  Congrats to JP and Branka on being the VOTW's.

My friend, Cheryl!!  WOW!!

Congratulatilons, my friend.  I am only getting here sporadically and not too frequently and I was so pleased to see your smiling face on the side bar as the POTW this week.  Now, you are officially back to Adland, and so well received.

Have a wonderful time celebrating your well deserved crown this week.

God Bless and big hugs!


La Nell !

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Re: It's Time To Congratulate CHERYL BAXTER, the 190th POTW!
5/29/2009 8:08:01 PM
Hi POTW Team, Congrats to Cheryl! Cheryl, you are a very special friend! Hugs,LaNell                                             
Phillip Black

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Re: It's Time To Congratulate CHERYL BAXTER, the 190th POTW!
5/30/2009 1:40:32 PM

Hi Cheryl !!

You definitely deserve the title of POTW my friend. You're always so very kind and thoughtful everyday and in everyway.

Thank you for
being such a Wonderfully Caring Friend to us all.

May Your Days Be Beautiful & Bright,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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