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Truth in politics?
5/17/2009 1:39:48 PM

I don't know how many Adlanders are aware of the disgusting state of democracy in the United Kingdom.

In the last two weeks we have been informed on a daily basis (by a newspaper) of the disgusting claims for homes and expenses by the "gentlemen" of the Houses of Parliament. What was considered to be one of the founders of modern democracy is now floundering in a sea of mistruths and deception. Many top Members of Parliament will have to go and some could end up in the dock of the English Courts.

How is the state of democracy in the USA and Canada? Indeed elsewhere where democracy is seen as the example of model government.

I never thought that I would see this day.

Can we keep these flags flying high? Democracy on trial?



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Re: Truth in politics?
5/17/2009 2:10:03 PM

First off Roger the USA is not a democracy (Mob Rules) it is a Republic (Ruked by Laws. 

Unfortunately the current admin and both parties in the past and expecially this congress have moved us far left of any true democracy and even further away from the Republic (the Gift our forefathers gave us) that our Constitution sets the rules for.

Please watch the videos    and you will be enlightened

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Truth in politics?
5/17/2009 3:12:47 PM

Thank you Jim,

I am busy now until the morning but I will watch the video in the morning.


Flag of Jill Bachman

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Re: Truth in politics?
5/17/2009 7:25:31 PM

Hi Roger,

Democracy, or any definition pertaining to freedom, is definitely on trial across the globe - especially in the USA and United Kingdom.  You are not alone and the rest of the world is close to follow starting with Australia and Canada.

The OLD is coming down and is finally being exposed.  It ain't a pretty picture and it will probably get worse as more TRUTH is exposed.

I do personally believe, however, that the NEW systems waiting in the wings will soon surface.  Til then, I have one quote that keeps me sane and that is, "NOTHING IS AS IT APPEARS!"

Just know the more truth that is exposed, the closer we get to a whole new system for the people by the people.  The 13 elite families are soon to be no longer in charge of the world.    Amen.

Hold the vision  :-)

Cheers,  Jill

Flag of John Leal

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Re: Truth in politics?
5/17/2009 8:31:29 PM

Hi Roger

A picture speaks a thousand words!


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