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Re: Get Paid To Build Your Own Contact List - NEW! Just Launched!
9/4/2005 8:40:43 PM
Hi, Felicia! I've just joined as a free members of The Mail Matrix, but I did not receive my confirmation e-mail. I have sent a support request to them about it. I used my .ws e-mail address. I'll let you know what they tell me, in case anyone else faces this issue. Thanks for the invite! Sherri
Re: Get Paid To Build Your Own Contact List - NEW! Just Launched!
9/4/2005 8:41:24 PM
Thanks . This looks good will have to take another look tomorrow as it is now 02.30hrs & I need some sleep. Thanks again, Regards Yvonne
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Re: Get Paid To Build Your Own Contact List - NEW! Just Launched!
9/4/2005 8:42:02 PM
Hi Felicia, Thanks for the invite and the business opportunity. I will check it out when time permits. It's a Holiday weekend girl, go have some fun! :o) You work to hard. hehe I appreciate all the opportunitys you bring to us and all that you do for Adlandpro. Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl
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Re: Get Paid To Build Your Own Contact List - NEW! Just Launched!
9/4/2005 8:42:30 PM
Hey Felicia...thanks for the invite to this forum and especially this thread! I just joined as a free member and I already have one of my own sponsored downline members and one of your spill overs! I will definitely be keeping a close eye on this for the next while and then make a decision whether to upgrade or not. Thanks so much!
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Re: Get Paid To Build Your Own Contact List - NEW! Just Launched!
9/4/2005 8:53:55 PM
Sherri, Do you have a spam or screened email folder you can check? I know sometimes acounts like Comcast and AOL have trouble with emails getting through. I have no idea about your email account. You might want try using Yahoo. That will work for sure, although some emails end up in my bulk mail folder I do receive everything using that account from this program.

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