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Deb Kwek

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Re: My Friend Holly Has Been in a Serious Car Accident...Needs Your Prayers...
5/14/2009 9:28:40 AM
My prayers go out to her family hope I pray she pulls though take care.
James Wright

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Re: My Friend Holly Has Been in a Serious Car Accident...Needs Your Prayers...
5/14/2009 7:46:32 PM

Dave, thank you for your prayers and your support. I have some good news to report. I have heard that she has been awake today, and requested the oxygen mask be removed so she could talk to those who came to see her. She still is having some drainage in the brain, but I believe they have it under control, and I pray the good Lord will see her through it.

James Wright

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Re: My Friend Holly Has Been in a Serious Car Accident...Needs Your Prayers...
5/14/2009 7:49:16 PM

Alexia, my good friend, thank you so much for stopping by. I have not upgraded to captain yet, but am preparing. The company requires I have three recommendations from other captains, and one from a company check airman. I have received those recommendations, and I also received another one today from another captain whom I have been flying with over the past week.

James Wright

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Re: My Friend Holly Has Been in a Serious Car Accident...Needs Your Prayers...
5/14/2009 7:52:47 PM

Sara, my friend, have you been reading the Desire of Ages? I hope so...there contains words of wisdom and enlightenments of the Word. Thank you so much for stopping by with your post. I have only had 1 and a half hours of sleep last night, and I am feeling like a zombie, and I have to go again in the morning, but I am thankful for my friends who have not failed me :)

James Wright

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Re: My Friend Holly Has Been in a Serious Car Accident...Needs Your Prayers...
5/14/2009 7:56:57 PM

Kathleen, I am glad to see there are a few who still read their emails...I have so many any more, I have a hard time just decifering which subject lines to read. It has been so long since I have posted anything here at Adland, I was not sure what kind of responce I would get, but I see there are a few whom I can depend on, and you are one of them. Thank you so much, and God Bless you for stopping by and sharing your story.


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