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5/31/2009 9:16:20 PM

Thank you Nimi for your wonderful comments regarding my 'From the Mud into the Sunshine' message. 

I fully agree with many things you have spoken here.  It is great knowledge.

There are many pathways that lead back to the Godhead - the pinnacle of the mountaintop; as we all strive to climb up through the dimensions; and I am certainly not going to argue who is right and who is wrong.  I DO know that it is not good to step on anothers religious belief.

We all have freedom of speech and it is certainly good to hear other versions of our existence without getting into heated arguments.

The word 'Assumption' plays a very big part in this life.  We assume many things - based on what  others have told us or what we have read in books.

But unless we were actually there on the spot to see these things happen then it is an 'Assumption' that these things actually took place.  We Assume that there was a man named Jesus. We assume that HE died on the cross.

Of course, in my own research over a period of 35 years I have absolutely NO DOUBT that there IS a supreme being who walked this Earthplane some 2000 years ago by the name of Jesus. 

What I am actually saying is, from our particular vantage point, we, (humanity) CANNOT be 100% sure of ANYTHING unless we actually witnessed it.

What I am writing is NOT an assumption as I have personally experienced what I am writing, hopefully, to help make others AWARE!!!

Can you understand what it is I am saying?

I have a book in my possession that was actually written by the Master Jesus. 

There you go, Nimi, I am 'Assuming' that this particular book was written by the Master Jesus.

However, I truly believe that this book WAS written by the Master Jesus.

The book is quite costly. It is titled "A Course in Miracles".

In this particular book the Master Jesus states that there are certain statements made in the Bible that were written by the Gospel writers of the day (2000 years ago) that are incorrect due to the fact that they were written to suit the church belief at that time.

Myself, I have an open mind and refuse to get involved in debates about who is right and who is wrong. It is a waste of good energy.

The evidence is overwhelming that there WAS a man named Jesus who came to Earth to teach the masses and also give us DIRECTION.

However, I feel, Jesus, the 'man' DOES NOT want to be placed on the top of the pedestal where so many have HIM elevated at this time.  He simply wants mankind to follow his wonderful teachings - the main reason he walked the Earth some 2000 years ago.

Congratulations, Nimi, on being one of those people who 'live' HIS teachings.  

Always remember this important word 'Assumption' as it covers MANY areas of life. We believe what OTHERS have either told us or have written.

Personally, I am well-attuned to the Ascended Masters in the higher spiritual realms - of which there are many, and with your permission I will now quote a particular passage spoken by one of them.

But firstly, an explanation. The name 'Ascended Master' simply means that this particular soul has already walked the same Earthly pathway as ourselves; broken free of the wheel of birth and death; and has now Ascended to the higher realms. This is the comment made by this particular Ascended Master:  "However YOU" - people on the Earthplane, "contemplate Heaven to be"...... "it is NOTHING LIKE IT!!! 

Therefore, where does that statement leave our thinking.

If we care to listen to THE VOICE WITHIN then we will be guided along the correct pathway to Happiness, Health, and an Abundance of ALL GOOD THINGS.  

Let us ALL live our lives by having MORE CONCERN for our brothers and sister, than ourselves.

The truth of our existence WILL eventually be made known to us.

God bless you Nimi. Keep up the good work, and thank you for your most welcome comments.

Georgy. J    



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