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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/30/2013 9:22:14 AM

Hello Peter

That is sickening! Is there no end to the craziness and evil of recent times?!! I can't keep up with it all. Does it ever stop?!! I don't want to have to think about these things. I am going to start to hand it all to God. He's smarter and stronger than anything I could do anyway.


Hello Friends,

We've been witness to the slow but sure infiltration of the school systems by any and all the undesirable elements available. The changing of history to be compatible with the liberal progressive socialist and Marxists belief structure. Teaching islam and shariah in the schools (including prayer time for the islamic students) while prayers to the Judeo/Christian God isn't allowed but allah and muhammad the pedophile is a welcome visitor. Teaching our children that homosexuality is a good and natural way of life and as you'll see in the below article forcing girls to ask other girls for a "lesbian" kiss. The list goes on and on but I sit her wondering where is the parents outrage? If it weren't for a few parents who still have their head screwed on right we wouldn't even be aware of these gross violations and outrages.

Prayer and God is verboten, wearing a NRA T shirt "deserves" being suspended from school and arrested standing up for second amendment rights is punishable in the schools and again only due to the outrage of a few parents are we aware of these violations within the school system.

It's about time that parents become involved and check what their children are being taught and demand revisions and changes to the school curriculum.

It's past being a wake up call and has now become a vile malignancy that has to be purged regardless and of your political affiliation you have to take action lest our children be lost.



School forces girls to ask for lesbian kiss

Boys get lessons in how to spot 'sluts'

Outraged parents say a New York middle school instructed young female students to ask one another for a lesbian kiss – and boys learned how to spot young sluts – in an anti-bullying presentation on gender identity and sexual orientation, according to Fox News’ Todd Starnes.

According to Starnes’ report, the children attended a special April 11 health class taught by college students at Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, N.Y. Parents say they were not notified of the presentation.

The students were introduced to terms such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

Some of the young female students said they were told it was common for 14-year-old girls to have sex and their parents couldn’t stop them.

Mandy Coon, a mother of an eighth-grade student said, “I am furious. I am her parent. Where does anyone get the right to tell her that it’s OK for her to have sex?”

According to Fox News, Coon said her daughter was distressed by the presentation and wondered why she’d been required to ask another girl to kiss her.

“She told me, ‘Mom, we all get teased and picked on enough – now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,’” Coon said.

According to the mother, the school said the lesson was meant to “teach girls boundaries and how to say no.”

“They also picked two girls to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date,” Coons said.

The Poughkeepsie Journal reported that Red Hook Central School District Superintendent Paul Finch said the class focused on “improving culture, relationships, communication and self-perceptions.”

Finch said it is mandatory that the middle school teach those issues in accordance with the state’s Dignity for All Students Act.

Parent Tara Burns told Fox News, “The school is overstepping its bounds in not notifying parents first and giving us the choice. I thought it was very inappropriate. That kind of instruction is best left up to the parents.”

Parents of middle-school boys were outraged by the school’s lessons on condom usage and determining whether a girl is a slut.

“I was absolutely furious – really furious,” said one parent of a 13-year-old boy. “They were teaching the boys how to decipher if a girl is a slut.”

According to the parent, who wished to remain anonymous, boys were told to determine whether girls are promiscuous by the way they dress or the number of boys they date.

“We don’t judge people like that in our family,” she said. “We don’t call women names because of what they wear or who they date.”

The Journal reported that Principal Katie Zahedi wrote in a Facebook forum for parents that the exercise was “not to pretend to be gay” but to practice saying “no” to unwanted advances: “In planning the discussion, we made it clear that absolutely no discussion of any sexual acts is appropriate to middle school, and they used the examples of a kiss. It was a separate activity for boys and girls and ultimately about respect and safety.”

According to Fox News, the anonymous parent also said boys were instructed to always carry condoms in their wallets.

“These are just kids,” she said. “I’m dumbfounded that they found this class was appropriate.”

Concerned individuals may contact Red Hook Central Schools at (845)758-2241 or email Superintendent Paul Finch.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/30/2013 9:30:17 AM
Hello All

You can judge a person by their friends.

Yes it was George Soros patting the new President BHO on the back after he won the election.

Yes the antichrist Obama's best friend and confidant and boss. He often visits the White House.

All Australians should also be very concerned. Read My Article

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/30/2013 1:25:16 PM
GREAT explanation Helen!!! How true and on the money it is.


How to instantly tell who's evil vs. good

Mike Adams

April 30, 2013

(NaturalNews) I get this question all the time from readers: How can we know whom to believe? Who's really telling the truth? Which person should I support for political office at the next election?

What if I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who's good and who's bad, but also how to tell who is pushing absolute evil onto our world?

This method is remarkably accurate, and you can use it right now to assess almost anyone.

It all starts with understanding the spectrum of control vs. empowerment.

Imagine a 10-foot string stretched out on the ground. On the far left side of the string, there is a point we'll call "Control." On the far right side of the string, another point is called "Empowerment."

Let's start with the "Empowerment" side first. This point represents people who primarily seek to empower you with knowledge, skills, wisdom and tools. "Empowerment" represents GOOD because it allows wisdom, skills and abundance to multiply from one person to the next. It recognizes the value of the individual and honors consciousness and free will.

On the far left side of the string -- which also represents the political left in America today -- we have "Control." This point represents people who primarily seek to control you: to extract money from you (rob you), to limit your freedoms, to demand your obedience and to use the threat of force to command your compliance. This philosophy dishonors the individual and downplays free will and individual liberty. "Control" is inherently evil because it seeks to diminish the power of a large number of people in order to accumulate power into the hands of a few people.

(The context of this discussion is, of course, entirely in the realm of dealing with adults. Obviously children should be subjected to certain controls for their own development and safety. That's called good parenting. But to treat adults like children and attempt to control them like a parent controlling a child is unjustified and inherently destructive.)

Examples of "control" vs "empowerment"

A person who seeks to teach others how to garden and thereby grow their own food is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a person who seeks to place other people on government food stamps and thereby make them dependent on government for their food is practicing control and is inherently EVIL.

A school that teaches students to think for themselves and engage in critical, skeptical thinking about the world around them is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a school that teaches students blind obedience to institutional authority while denying them the liberty to think for themselves is practicing control and is therefore EVIL.

A person who seeks to help others create their own successful businesses and generate abundant profits for themselves and their employees is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a person who seeks to destroy entrepreneurship, suppress innovation, punish small businesses and burden private sector job creation with onerous taxes and regulation is practicing control and is therefore EVIL.

A person who seeks to teach others how to protect themselves against violent crime through the intelligent, ethical use of weapons for self defense is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a person who seeks to strip away from everyone else their right to self defense, placing them in the position of defenseless victimization, is practicing control and is therefore EVIL.

A city mayor who seeks to teach his constituents the principles of nutrition and food choice so that they might make better decisions about their diet and health is practicing empowerment and is therefore GOOD. But a city mayor who demands blind obedience to his selective agenda of banning large sodas or other junk food items is practicing control and is therefore EVIL. (Bloomberg, anyone?)

So, getting back to the title of this article, the way to instantly tell whether a person is "good" or "evil" is to examine their actions on the control vs. empowerment spectrum. If they predominantly seek to control others, they are mostly evil. If they predominantly seek to empower others, they are mostly good.

Be careful to examine peoples' actions, not merely their words. Anyone can talk a good game of "empowerment," but very few actually seek to educate and uplift others around them.

The politics of control vs. empowerment

The political left is deeply invested in a philosophy of control. The left believes in centralized control over the economy, societal control of parenting and children, government control over education, centralized bankster control over money, and government control over health care.

The political right is invested in a philosophy of non-interventionism. They classically believe the government should keeps its hands off education, the economy, businesses operations and private lives. (Of course, today's political right is actually just as much pro-big government as the political left.)

Libertarianism, by the way, is a philosophy of allowing -- allowing people to make their own fortunes, or mistakes, or personal decisions as long as their behaviors do not harm others. Classic libertarianism means people are free to do what they wish, including marrying someone of the same sex if that's their choice, as long as their actions do not cause direct harm to others around them. Many people mistakenly think they are libertarians but they are actually closet control freaks because they want everyone else to conform to their own ideas of marriage, religion, recreational drug use, prostitution and so on. A true libertarian must tolerate the free will actions of others even if those actions are obviously self-destructive to the individual.

In terms of ethics, "controlism" is inherently destructive because it denies an individual his or her humanity. "Empowerment" is inherently good (or even blessed) because it invests in the individual the power of determining her or her own life outcomes.

The universe is written in the code of conscious empowerment

From a spiritual perspective, the Creator granted humans free will precisely because free will puts control into the hands of the individual, not a centralized power figure. If we were not meant to be free, we would never have been created with free will.

In this way, "controlism" stands in contradiction to the laws of the universe and the existence of free will and consciousness. Thus, the underlying philosophy of the political left is anti-consciousness, anti-free will and a contradiction of the fundamental laws of the universe.

This is why collectivist mandates feel so alien to a free-thinking human being... because control freakism is a violation of self-evident, universal truth. This is also why the leftist / collectivist political philosophy is doomed to fail: It exists in gross violation of the laws of the universe. No human being inherently wants to live without freedom, functioning merely as an obedient peon under a system of centralized control. It feels wrong because it is universally and spiritually wrong.

That is why it will fail. And that is why all those who defend individual liberty, free will and individual empowerment quite literally have God and the universe on their side.

In summary, then, if you want to determine whether a person is "good" or "evil" -- in effect, whether they are living in congruency with the laws of the universe -- simply place them on the spectrum of "control" versus "empowerment" and your question all but answers itself.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/30/2013 1:42:55 PM
Helen, there is so much going on today that is sickening. Don't know if you say this that happened in Europe a few days ago but follow the link and read about it and the other link is to an article that happened back in January.
I could not care less whether someone is gay but they might ask themselves why they feel they have to go to such extremes to try and get people to accept it if the lifestyle they're practicing is right in the sight of God.
The hypocrisy of late term abortion being OK but when a woman kills her newborn immediately after it is born it's classified as murder. Makes no sense does it?

Pro-abort lesbians attack Catholic archbishop


The time of the persecution of Christians is in Europe.

On January 13, 2013, 1.4 million Christians, including children and the elderly, peacefully marched in support of traditional marriage in Paris and were met with tear gas and batons.


Hello Peter

That is sickening! Is there no end to the craziness and evil of recent times?!! I can't keep up with it all. Does it ever stop?!! I don't want to have to think about these things. I am going to start to hand it all to God. He's smarter and stronger than anything I could do anyway.


Hello Friends,

We've been witness to the slow but sure infiltration of the school systems by any and all the undesirable elements available. The changing of history to be compatible with the liberal progressive socialist and Marxists belief structure. Teaching islam and shariah in the schools (including prayer time for the islamic students) while prayers to the Judeo/Christian God isn't allowed but allah and muhammad the pedophile is a welcome visitor. Teaching our children that homosexuality is a good and natural way of life and as you'll see in the below article forcing girls to ask other girls for a "lesbian" kiss. The list goes on and on but I sit her wondering where is the parents outrage? If it weren't for a few parents who still have their head screwed on right we wouldn't even be aware of these gross violations and outrages.

Prayer and God is verboten, wearing a NRA T shirt "deserves" being suspended from school and arrested standing up for second amendment rights is punishable in the schools and again only due to the outrage of a few parents are we aware of these violations within the school system.

It's about time that parents become involved and check what their children are being taught and demand revisions and changes to the school curriculum.

It's past being a wake up call and has now become a vile malignancy that has to be purged regardless and of your political affiliation you have to take action lest our children be lost.



School forces girls to ask for lesbian kiss

Boys get lessons in how to spot 'sluts'

Outraged parents say a New York middle school instructed young female students to ask one another for a lesbian kiss – and boys learned how to spot young sluts – in an anti-bullying presentation on gender identity and sexual orientation, according to Fox News’ Todd Starnes.

According to Starnes’ report, the children attended a special April 11 health class taught by college students at Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, N.Y. Parents say they were not notified of the presentation.

The students were introduced to terms such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

Some of the young female students said they were told it was common for 14-year-old girls to have sex and their parents couldn’t stop them.

Mandy Coon, a mother of an eighth-grade student said, “I am furious. I am her parent. Where does anyone get the right to tell her that it’s OK for her to have sex?”

According to Fox News, Coon said her daughter was distressed by the presentation and wondered why she’d been required to ask another girl to kiss her.

“She told me, ‘Mom, we all get teased and picked on enough – now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,’” Coon said.

According to the mother, the school said the lesson was meant to “teach girls boundaries and how to say no.”

“They also picked two girls to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date,” Coons said.

The Poughkeepsie Journal reported that Red Hook Central School District Superintendent Paul Finch said the class focused on “improving culture, relationships, communication and self-perceptions.”

Finch said it is mandatory that the middle school teach those issues in accordance with the state’s Dignity for All Students Act.

Parent Tara Burns told Fox News, “The school is overstepping its bounds in not notifying parents first and giving us the choice. I thought it was very inappropriate. That kind of instruction is best left up to the parents.”

Parents of middle-school boys were outraged by the school’s lessons on condom usage and determining whether a girl is a slut.

“I was absolutely furious – really furious,” said one parent of a 13-year-old boy. “They were teaching the boys how to decipher if a girl is a slut.”

According to the parent, who wished to remain anonymous, boys were told to determine whether girls are promiscuous by the way they dress or the number of boys they date.

“We don’t judge people like that in our family,” she said. “We don’t call women names because of what they wear or who they date.”

The Journal reported that Principal Katie Zahedi wrote in a Facebook forum for parents that the exercise was “not to pretend to be gay” but to practice saying “no” to unwanted advances: “In planning the discussion, we made it clear that absolutely no discussion of any sexual acts is appropriate to middle school, and they used the examples of a kiss. It was a separate activity for boys and girls and ultimately about respect and safety.”

According to Fox News, the anonymous parent also said boys were instructed to always carry condoms in their wallets.

“These are just kids,” she said. “I’m dumbfounded that they found this class was appropriate.”

Concerned individuals may contact Red Hook Central Schools at (845)758-2241 or email Superintendent Paul Finch.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/2/2013 1:30:25 AM

Political Correctness is killing us.

I wasn't sure in which forum this should go. Maybe I will put it another forum or two as well.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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