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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/9/2013 2:36:42 PM

This is probably one of the best graphics I've seen so far. It really hits the nail on the head.

OK Obama voters, pick one...

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/9/2013 5:53:32 PM
No comment necessary Evelyn, the graphic says it all.




This is probably one of the best graphics I've seen so far. It really hits the nail on the head.

OK Obama voters, pick one...

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/10/2013 4:51:15 PM
Hello Peter and friends, here's another hard hitting article from Judi McLeod from the CFP. It is very disturbing and you wonder how anyone with any common sense can continue to turn a blind eye to everything.

Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America

Global Governance 2025: Rewriting the Life of the Common Man as we know it

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The “change” promised to the masses by a 2008 electioneering Senator Barack Obama is blanket Global Governance of world populations. “The Fundamental Transformation of America” is its forced membership in the New World Order (NWO).
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World, published late in 2008 noted that “momentous change was ahead, with the gap between increasing disorder and weakening government structures widening”.

Prove to yourself that Global Governance is for real and not the stuff of conspiracy here and here.

See for yourself proof of suspicions that Obama is more ‘King of the World’ than USA president.

Understand how every Obama Executive Order is a distraction to keep you from understanding that life as we know it will be replaced by a Global Governance that was Obama’s main job to sign, seal and deliver on his arrival at the Oval Office.

Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World and Obama arrived in the White House at the same time, November 7 and November 4, 2008 respectively.

Global Governance 2025: At a Critical Juncture, published September 20, 2010 and its predecessor Global Trends 2025, both produced by the joint efforts of the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence Council (NIC) and the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), started off on the premise that One World Government is necessary because it’s inevitable.

In other words, inevitable by documents prepared by the National Intelligence Council and the European Union—make that the same EU that has failed Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus among a growing list of other countries, and a recognizable major contributor to the world’s current economic failure.

“The report, Global Governance 2025—a follow-on to the NIC’s 2008 report, Global Trends 2025—posits that the growing number of issues on the international agenda, and their complexity, is outpacing the ability of international organizations and national governments to address these challenges.” (Office of the Director of National Intelligence news release No. 06-10).

In layman’s language: So long sovereignty for all nations.

The Global Governance 2025: A Transformed World was addressing “increasing disorder and weakening government structures widening” at the same time that Rahm Emanuel, then Chief of Staff for President Elect Barack Obama was making his infamous declaration: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”.

Global Governance 2025 and Global Trends 2025 lean on “fictionalized” future calamities on which they rest their case.

In our shrinking world, many people don’t worry about coming global governance because they’ve been saturated with “It’s all a conspiracy”-type news reports.

Within days of Vice President Joe Biden’s apparent call for a New World Order in Friday’s speech to the Export-Import Bank, some major news sites were already claiming that Biden’s NWO was not meant “in the way that conspiracy theorists mean it”.

Friday’s mention was Biden’s second public NWO reference. During United Nations Week 1992, Biden, in an address entitled “On the Threshold of the New World Order: A Rebirth for the United Nations” at the University of Delaware, stated:

...”The world’s leaders must adopt a new understanding of security. “Collective security today must encompass not only the security of nations,” he said, “but also mankind’s security in a global environment that has proven vulnerable to debilitating changes wrought by man’s own endeavors.

“Thus, in setting an American agenda for a new world order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought,” he said.

We don’t need bumbling Biden to know The New World Order, aka One World Government/Global Governance, is as real as your toddler’s birthday cake, and it is disingenuous to suggest that it is only the province of conspiracy theorists.

Meanwhile, the word from the proverbial horse’s mouth wipes out all doubt that global governance is only conspiracy theorist driven: “Global communication ensures globalization does not die”. (VI Executive Summary, Global Governance 25: At a Critical Juncture.)

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/13/2013 5:17:53 PM
Another excellent video by Wild Bill. This guy can spell out the truth in such a way that no one can misunderstand, or at least most anyway. :)
"Bevis and Butthead Education"
Published on Apr 10, 2013

To take back America, we must take back our schools. Wild Bill has a plan.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/14/2013 2:20:24 PM

Hi Peter, I'm sure you'll appreciate the hypocrisy revealed in this article ................

Fact is, Socialists like Obama shrink in the shadow of the Iron Lady

The Teflon Prez to publicly mourn the ‘Iron Lady’?

- Judi McLeod Sunday, April 14, 2013
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The Teflon Prez to publicly mourn the ‘Iron Lady’

Don’t worry, Lady Maggie: “Michelle and Barack will carry on the work to which you dedicated your life now that you’re gone.

According to the Daily Mail, in Barack Obama’s own words: “Michelle and I carry on the work to which she dedicated her life…” Statement from the President on the Passing of Baroness Margaret Thatcher—White House.

Surely ‘The Iron Lady’ will rest in peace knowing that the uncrowned ‘King and Queen of the “Me, Me, Me” Generation’ will be stoically carrying on her hard work between their trademark lavish holidays.

Not only are the Obamas considering taking full advantage of photo ops by being in Britain for the Thatcher funeral—second only in significance to Winston Churchill’s, you’d think they were conservative Thatcher supporters all along.

Given how distressed American patriots are about Obama’s fairytale storied life, factoids of which are still held in state secret status, it’s almost comical how the Daily Mail, which trumps the American mainstream media every time, this time attributed Vice President Joe Biden’s gushing words to Obama.

“In a statement on Monday, following the news of her death, President Obama released a statement praising the former British prime minister for her ‘strong will and strong convictions’ and said the U.S. was mourning the loss of a ‘stalwart friend’. (Daily Mail, April 12, 2013)

‘I had the privilege of being in Margaret Thatcher’s company numerous times when she was Prime Minister, and she was always forthright in her views and undaunted in her commitment to advancing her nation’s interests. I’m glad I had the chance to know her’, the president said.

A Google search by Canada Free Press (CFP) shows these words were uttered by Vice President Joe Biden and not Barack Obama.

Fact is, Socialists like Obama shrink in the shadow of the Iron Lady, many of whom are humming along to the BBC-resurrected The Witch is Dead song, in Merry Old England in time for the Thatcher funeral.

In February 2007, Thatcher became the first living British Prime Minister to be honoured with a statute in the Houses of Parliament. The bronze statue stands opposite that of her political hero, Sir Winston Churchill, and was unveiled on 21 February 2007 with Thatcher in attendance; she made a rare and brief speech in the members’ lobby of the House of Commons, responding: “I might have preferred iron—but bronze will do…it won’t rust. “ (BBC, 2/21/2007)

One month after he took office In early 2009, President Barack Obama gave back to England a bust of Winston Churchill which, for years had graced the White House Oval Office.

Obama considering attending the Thatcher funeral when the Democrat Party he leads blocked a Senate Resolution to pay homage to the late Prime Minister after the House unanimously passed the tribute in her honour?

If Barack and Michelle show up for the Iron Lady’s funeral on Wednesday, they’ll be the ones trying to rub shoulders during photo ops with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, all the while shedding Showbiz-style crocodile tears.


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