Hello Friends,
When I read the below article I had to smile cause it states the obvious but forgets to mention the fact that the illegal immigrant issue is an electoral goal B Hussein set for the 2012 elections. You see he knows he hasn't got a chance in h*ll to win those elections unless he increases his voter base with all those illegals. This time around Acorn with all the "dead" and illegal voters simply won't be enough and he needs those illegals urgently to possibly be re-elected.
The title of the article is "Us vs Them", meaning the good legal citizens of the USA against all those "poor" mistreated illegals. The title is a good one but the characters are somewhat different. The Us are still the US citizenry but the Them is B Hussein, his goon squad and until now majority in the Senate and Congress. He is playing against the good of the United States and thinking about the only important thing in his life and that's "HIM". He's fighting against upholding the legal immigration laws in order to insure his re-election and that has to be defeated ASAP. He's suing a US State that is upholding the immigration laws and that's despicable. This guy and all his agenda's have to be defeated and he has to be shown the door and the people have the power to do this.
The first step is the mid term elections and the coup de grace will be the 2012 elections.

Buck up, border states!
September 29, 2010
- by Bryan Presto
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This is audacity on steroids. It is not the so-called, and now obviously dead as a Monty Python sketch parrot, “audacity of hope.”
“Let’s provide a pathway to citizenship for those who are already here, understanding that they broke the law, so they’re going to have to pay a fine and pay back taxes and, I think, learn English, make sure that they don’t have a criminal record,” said Obama. “There are some hoops that they’re going to have to jump through, but giving them a pathway is the right thing to do.
“Now, unfortunately, right now this is getting demagogued,” Obama said. “A lot of folks think it’s an easy way to score political points is by trying to act as if there’s a ‘them’ and an ‘us,’ instead of just an ‘us.’ And I’m always suspicious of politics that is dividing people instead of bringing them together. I think now is the time for us to come together.”
I’ll confess here to being a bad Baptist. My initial reaction to this was unprintable.
This is coming from the same president whose own attorney general is at this moment suing Arizona for crafting an immigration law that mirrors a federal law that’s been on the books for 70 years. And all while Mexico is playing more than a sideline role in keeping the border as porous as possible. “Us vs Them” or “Us vs Us”?nexpage
Suffice it to say that a president who has done precisely nothing about border security, whose own secretary of Homeland Security actually chuckles when Republican border state governors ask for help, and who himself refuses to meet with at least one of those border state governors to discuss the issue at all, has really run out of his rope on this. As if to add a little more salt to the wounds, let’s not leave out that Obama’s own aunt is an illegal alien happily living on the U.S. taxpayers’ dime, demanding U.S. citizenship.
This issue is an “Us vs Them” issue alright, but it’s Us citizen taxpayers versus Them in Washington who consistently and continually talk down to Us while letting the nation’s basic rule of law collapse.
So buck up, border states! Your president hears you. He hears you and he thinks you’re a bucktoothed bigot for wanting the nation’s laws enforced. And therefore, he’s happy to slap you in the face.
Bryan Preston has been a leading conservative blogger and opinionator since founding his first blog in 2001. Bryan is a military veteran, worked for NASA, hails from Hot Air, was producer of the Laura Ingraham Show and, most recently before joining PJM, was Communications Director of the Republican Party of Texas.