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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/2/2012 3:46:15 AM

Hi Peter, Rick and friends. Slowly but surely some of the MSM is finally speaking out about the Obamination sitting in the WH, as this article very plainly states.

Las Vegas Review-Journal Destroys Obama

1 Nov

In one of the most blistering denunciations of Barack Obama ever penned, the Las Vegas Review Journal published an editorial today that excoriated Obama not only for his ineptitude in the Benghazi attack, but also his duplicity afterward and the cooperation of a supine press:

The Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away. It has spent the past seven weeks stretching the story out, engaging in misdirection and deception involving supposed indigenous outrage over an obscure anti-Muslim video, confident that with the aid of a docile press corps this infamous climax to four years of misguided foreign policy can be swept under the rug, at least until after Tuesday's election … The official explanation for why Obama administration officials watched the attack unfold for seven hours, refusing repeated requests to send the air support and relief forces that sat less than two hours away in Italy? Silence.

The RJ also charged Obama with impotence as he flew off to Las Vegas instead of dealing with the attack.

Prompt and strong action from the White House on Sept. 11 might have saved American lives, as well as America's reputation as a nation not to be messed with. Weakness and dithering and flying to Las Vegas the next day for celebrity fund-raising parties are somehow better?

The RJ pulled no punches about the Obama Administration‘s efforts to destroy our economy and accused Obama of continually flat-out lying to the American people.

This administration is an embarrassment on foreign policy and incompetent at best on the economy - though a more careful analysis shows what can only be a perverse and willful attempt to destroy our prosperity. Back in January 2008, Barack Obama told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that under his cap-and-trade plan, "If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them." He added, "Under my plan ... electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." It was also in 2008 that Mr. Obama's future Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, famously said it would be necessary to "figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" - $9 a gallon.

Yet the president now claims he's in favor of oil development and pipelines, taking credit for increased oil production on private lands where he's powerless to block it, after he halted the Keystone XL Pipeline and oversaw a 50 percent reduction in oil leases on public lands.

These behaviors go far beyond "spin." They amount to a pack of lies.

The RJ concluded:

To return to office a narcissistic amateur who seeks to ride this nation's economy and international esteem to oblivion, like Slim Pickens riding the nuclear bomb to its target at the end of the movie "Dr. Strangelove," would be disastrous. Candidate Obama said if he couldn't fix the economy in four years, his would be a one-term presidency.

Mitt Romney is moral, capable and responsible man. Just this once, it's time to hold Barack Obama to his word. Maybe we can all do something about that, come Tuesday.

The fiery wrath of proud Americans is back.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/2/2012 2:58:39 PM

Happy Friday Peter and friends. I fervently pray that this writer is right in his predictions.

I suspect there will be shock and amazement amongst the Mainstream Media and their leaders on the political left in America -- and abroad -- Tuesday night

What If It’s A Romney Landslide?

- J.D. Longstreet Friday, November 2, 2012
For the past few days, I’ve had a gnawing feeling way down, deep inside, where my intuition resides. It has been growing in strength by the day. What is it?

It is a growing certainty that Romney is going to win the election and the Republican Party is going to clean the Democratic Party’s clock!

I’m a “news junkie.” It is required if you are going to commit to the life of a commentator, or opinion writer. I read newspapers, back to front, page by page, every day—plus broadcast news and Internet news—from all over the world—in a near ceaseless stream of input.

What do I base my sudden insight on the elections results upon?

Well, if you have listened to broadcast news reports over the past few weeks you have noticed how often the word “narrative” is spoken. It has been used multiple times to describe the Mainstream Media’s slant on this election cycle. And I do mean “slant” —as in bias.

A narrative is, simply put, a story. The story can be true or false, indeed, the story can be anything you want it to be defined by the manner in which you string together events that comprise the story, or narrative, you are telling.

Throughout the current Presidential Campaign cycle, the Mainstream Media’s narrative has been that Obama is winning—in a landslide—and poor Romney is hopelessly doomed to lose the coming election.

It has bothered me for months that what I am seeing, hearing, and witnessing, simply does not align, with that which the media insists is the truth. Either my eyes and ears are lying—or—the media is lying.

Early on in the election cycle, many republicans were hesitant to cast their lot with the Romney camp. Much of that changed with the end of the primary season. When Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate, many conservatives, who had been hanging back, interpreted that as a sure sign that Romney did, indeed, mean to make a bold assault on America’s economic problems and would do his utmost to get this country working and moving forward again. They flocked to Romney’s side.

Then came the debates and the American public got to meet Romney. What they saw was a man who looked and sounded Presidential and who was obviously very smart, capable, and able, and was not the least bit cowed by Obama’s rhetorical skills nor the President’s stage presence. In fact, Romney outshone Obama on the stage and in the debates.

Slowly, the veil the MsM had drawn cross Mitt Romney was ripped and shredded and cast aside. Suddenly, America saw a man who was not promising pie in the sky. In fact, if anything, he was offering blood, sweat, and tears, much as Winston Churchill had offered many decades before to the Brits. He convinced Americans that America could be saved and was worth saving and he would place himself in the front lines of the effort to rescue America and set her aright. No grandiose schemes—just hard work with the payoff to come for our children and grandchildren.

Then there is the oft-discounted Christian vote. Talk about “righteous anger!” America’s vast community of Christian voters are angrier than I have ever seen them. They are holding nationwide prayer vigils—lasting forty days and forty nights—right up to Election Day. What are they praying for? They are petitioning The Almighty to help them send Obama packing and to place Romney in the Oval Office on January 20th.

The left can laugh, snicker, belittle, and make fun of the Evangelical community all they like. But the fact is, there exists no more powerful force on the planet than the combined prayers of millions of God’s people imploring their God to intervene and help them save their country. Combine the prayers of millions of Catholics to those of the Evangelicals and miracles WILL HAPPEN.

Christians will go to the polls in record numbers November 6th—and they will be voting their faith. Godless Marxism raised its ugly head in the government of their beloved country. Like matter and anti-matter Christians and Marxists cannot exist in the same space. America’s Christian community has girded its loins for battle and is on the march.

Then there is this: Just days ago we learned that for the first time in history—republicans voters now outnumber democrat voters in America. What happened? Obama happened!

A slow-moving groundswell of support has been rolling in from the hinterlands, the heart of America, as they embraced Romney’s approach to saving their blessed homeland.

I have come to believe, over the past few days, that that groundswell has quietly become a tsunami that is about to crash over the Obama encampment next week.

The souring on Obama was complete when his incompetence in the Benghazigate affair in Libya that cost the lives of four Americans became known in all its ugliness. The lies, the deceit, the duplicity, and the condescension of the Obama Administration toward the American people was the last straw for many who may have been undecided before Benghazi.

The MsM’s “narrative” has now been compromised. The wall the Mainstream Media so carefully constructed around their hero has been breached! It’s crumbling along its length while the democrats, socialists, Marxists, progressives, and communists who have taken refuge behind its seeming invincibility are now exposed and vulnerable.
Voters are not buying their narrative anymore. They now see it for the barnyard “step-around” that it really is.

“American Exceptionalism” is about to reassert itself and it is going to accomplish that feat right here on our own shores—FIRST.

We told our readers in 2010 that we would need two consecutive elections to win back our country’s government. THIS is election number two.

If the landslide I now expect does, indeed, happen, chances are the GOP will win back the US Senate, as well. If not, it will be extremely close. Count on it.

Now, it is not in my nature to be an optimist, nor a pessimist. I pride myself on being a realist, and I have even been accused of philosophical pragmatism. I say all that to say this: Now is not the time to relax, nor relent. Even though victory is in sight we must maintain the momentum, apply the pressure, continue the attack, until the flag of liberty is once again unfurled and snapping briskly in the free air over a free people.

From mansions to mobile homes, Americans are fired-up, motivated by anger at the abuse dealt their country and their country’s constitution by the Obama Administration and they are determined to take their country back.

I suspect there will be shock and amazement amongst the Mainstream Media and their leaders on the political left in America—and abroad—Tuesday night.

OK. So, Romney wins and it’s not a landslide? It will still be a victory worth having an extra national day of thanksgiving in November.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/3/2012 3:31:30 AM

ANYONE with ANY KIND of military knowledge KNOWS the excuses Obama is giving for the SLAUGHTER of our men in Benghazi, Libya is nothing but a bald faced LIE!

We know that Tyrone Woods was on the roof of the CIA annex with a machine gun fighting off the savages and he had laser GLD (ground Laser Designator). He was "painting a target." So, ask yourself, “Does a Navy SEAL paint a target with UNCERTAINTY that he will have cover?” Woods knew that either the Specter gun ship WAS ON STATION or one of the drones flying overhead was armed. 


Our men were on the ground calling for back up . . . THREE TIMES!!! ALL three times their quests were denied!!!

Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information directly from the target area. 
WHY was this critical order to STAND DOWN GIVEN? 

WHY did Obama watch these men fight for SEVEN PLUS HOURS and DO NOTHING to give them back up?

WHAT happened to the 30+ people who were safely evacuated from the compound?

Where are they? Why are they not being allowed to tell the truth about what happened that night?

WHY does obama stand before the nation after Hurricane Sandy and say “We leave nobody behind” but he ABANDONED OUR AMBASSADOR AND THREE OTHER AMERICANS TO DIE AT THE HANDS OF AL-QAEDA TERRORISTS?????


ANYONE with ANY KIND of military knowledge KNOWS the excuses Obama is giving for the SLAUGHTER of our men in Benghazi, Libya is nothing but a bald faced LIE!

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/3/2012 5:57:40 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I buy and agree with everything the author said and there are also additional reasons he didn't mention.

I'll settle for a win but a landslide would be good for the moral of America and believe it or not the world. The world has lost faith in America under the B Hussein regime. The islamic jihadi world has learned that America with the fraud and great pretender sitting in the WH is weak and can be depended upon to do nothing when she is attacked. It goes even deeper after they've seen his feeble attempts to lie and cover up the Benghazi jihadi attack. What we've learned so far is that their criminal and traitorous behavior and actions are there for all to see and more information is being released every day to support this "allegation".

Good article and I hope many will read it.




Happy Friday Peter and friends. I fervently pray that this writer is right in his predictions.

I suspect there will be shock and amazement amongst the Mainstream Media and their leaders on the political left in America -- and abroad -- Tuesday night

What If It’s A Romney Landslide?

- J.D. Longstreet Friday, November 2, 2012
For the past few days, I’ve had a gnawing feeling way down, deep inside, where my intuition resides. It has been growing in strength by the day. What is it?

It is a growing certainty that Romney is going to win the election and the Republican Party is going to clean the Democratic Party’s clock!

I’m a “news junkie.” It is required if you are going to commit to the life of a commentator, or opinion writer. I read newspapers, back to front, page by page, every day—plus broadcast news and Internet news—from all over the world—in a near ceaseless stream of input.

What do I base my sudden insight on the elections results upon?

Well, if you have listened to broadcast news reports over the past few weeks you have noticed how often the word “narrative” is spoken. It has been used multiple times to describe the Mainstream Media’s slant on this election cycle. And I do mean “slant” —as in bias.

A narrative is, simply put, a story. The story can be true or false, indeed, the story can be anything you want it to be defined by the manner in which you string together events that comprise the story, or narrative, you are telling.

Throughout the current Presidential Campaign cycle, the Mainstream Media’s narrative has been that Obama is winning—in a landslide—and poor Romney is hopelessly doomed to lose the coming election.

It has bothered me for months that what I am seeing, hearing, and witnessing, simply does not align, with that which the media insists is the truth. Either my eyes and ears are lying—or—the media is lying.

Early on in the election cycle, many republicans were hesitant to cast their lot with the Romney camp. Much of that changed with the end of the primary season. When Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate, many conservatives, who had been hanging back, interpreted that as a sure sign that Romney did, indeed, mean to make a bold assault on America’s economic problems and would do his utmost to get this country working and moving forward again. They flocked to Romney’s side.

Then came the debates and the American public got to meet Romney. What they saw was a man who looked and sounded Presidential and who was obviously very smart, capable, and able, and was not the least bit cowed by Obama’s rhetorical skills nor the President’s stage presence. In fact, Romney outshone Obama on the stage and in the debates.

Slowly, the veil the MsM had drawn cross Mitt Romney was ripped and shredded and cast aside. Suddenly, America saw a man who was not promising pie in the sky. In fact, if anything, he was offering blood, sweat, and tears, much as Winston Churchill had offered many decades before to the Brits. He convinced Americans that America could be saved and was worth saving and he would place himself in the front lines of the effort to rescue America and set her aright. No grandiose schemes—just hard work with the payoff to come for our children and grandchildren.

Then there is the oft-discounted Christian vote. Talk about “righteous anger!” America’s vast community of Christian voters are angrier than I have ever seen them. They are holding nationwide prayer vigils—lasting forty days and forty nights—right up to Election Day. What are they praying for? They are petitioning The Almighty to help them send Obama packing and to place Romney in the Oval Office on January 20th.

The left can laugh, snicker, belittle, and make fun of the Evangelical community all they like. But the fact is, there exists no more powerful force on the planet than the combined prayers of millions of God’s people imploring their God to intervene and help them save their country. Combine the prayers of millions of Catholics to those of the Evangelicals and miracles WILL HAPPEN.

Christians will go to the polls in record numbers November 6th—and they will be voting their faith. Godless Marxism raised its ugly head in the government of their beloved country. Like matter and anti-matter Christians and Marxists cannot exist in the same space. America’s Christian community has girded its loins for battle and is on the march.

Then there is this: Just days ago we learned that for the first time in history—republicans voters now outnumber democrat voters in America. What happened? Obama happened!

A slow-moving groundswell of support has been rolling in from the hinterlands, the heart of America, as they embraced Romney’s approach to saving their blessed homeland.

I have come to believe, over the past few days, that that groundswell has quietly become a tsunami that is about to crash over the Obama encampment next week.

The souring on Obama was complete when his incompetence in the Benghazigate affair in Libya that cost the lives of four Americans became known in all its ugliness. The lies, the deceit, the duplicity, and the condescension of the Obama Administration toward the American people was the last straw for many who may have been undecided before Benghazi.

The MsM’s “narrative” has now been compromised. The wall the Mainstream Media so carefully constructed around their hero has been breached! It’s crumbling along its length while the democrats, socialists, Marxists, progressives, and communists who have taken refuge behind its seeming invincibility are now exposed and vulnerable.
Voters are not buying their narrative anymore. They now see it for the barnyard “step-around” that it really is.

“American Exceptionalism” is about to reassert itself and it is going to accomplish that feat right here on our own shores—FIRST.

We told our readers in 2010 that we would need two consecutive elections to win back our country’s government. THIS is election number two.

If the landslide I now expect does, indeed, happen, chances are the GOP will win back the US Senate, as well. If not, it will be extremely close. Count on it.

Now, it is not in my nature to be an optimist, nor a pessimist. I pride myself on being a realist, and I have even been accused of philosophical pragmatism. I say all that to say this: Now is not the time to relax, nor relent. Even though victory is in sight we must maintain the momentum, apply the pressure, continue the attack, until the flag of liberty is once again unfurled and snapping briskly in the free air over a free people.

From mansions to mobile homes, Americans are fired-up, motivated by anger at the abuse dealt their country and their country’s constitution by the Obama Administration and they are determined to take their country back.

I suspect there will be shock and amazement amongst the Mainstream Media and their leaders on the political left in America—and abroad—Tuesday night.

OK. So, Romney wins and it’s not a landslide? It will still be a victory worth having an extra national day of thanksgiving in November.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/3/2012 6:03:27 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I'll just add to you comment that it's also criminal and treasonous.




ANYONE with ANY KIND of military knowledge KNOWS the excuses Obama is giving for the SLAUGHTER of our men in Benghazi, Libya is nothing but a bald faced LIE! We know that Tyrone Woods was on the roof of the CIA annex with a machine gun fighting off the savages and he had laser GLD (ground Laser Designator). He was "painting a target." So, ask yourself, “Does a Navy SEAL paint a target with UNCERTAINTY that he will have cover?” Woods knew that either the Specter gun ship WAS ON STATION or one of the drones flying overhead was armed. CLIP: THIS IS WHAT A GLD "PAINTING A TARGET" LOOKS LIKE FROM THE GROUND! WATCH AND LEARN! Our men were on the ground calling for back up . . . THREE TIMES!!! ALL three times their quests were denied!!! Only two places could have called off the attack at that point; the WH situation command (based on POTUS direction) or AFRICOM commander based on information directly from the target area. WHY was this critical order to STAND DOWN GIVEN? WHY did Obama watch these men fight for SEVEN PLUS HOURS and DO NOTHING to give them back up? WHAT happened to the 30+ people who were safely evacuated from the compound? Where are they? Why are they not being allowed to tell the truth about what happened that night? WHY does obama stand before the nation after Hurricane Sandy and say “We leave nobody behind” but he ABANDONED OUR AMBASSADOR AND THREE OTHER AMERICANS TO DIE AT THE HANDS OF AL-QAEDA TERRORISTS????? AMERICA, DEMAND ANSWERS NOW!!! AND IF OBAMA IS NOT WILLING TO GIVE US THESE ANSWERS NOW BEFORE THE ELECTION, HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE ELECTED TO OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT!!!!!!! VOTE HIM OUT!!!!

ANYONE with ANY KIND of military knowledge KNOWS the excuses Obama is giving for the SLAUGHTER of our men in Benghazi, Libya is nothing but a bald faced LIE!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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