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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/20/2012 12:15:59 PM
Hello Friends,

Many of us researched B Hussein during the 2008 election campaign and we found to our dismay a checkered and spotted past with very dubious associates, mentors, supporters and so much more. It's not only his pastor of many years Jeremiah (G-d Damn America) Wright but some very radical individuals up to and including home grown terrorists.

Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers is just one of them but as you'll see from the article below they had a very close association over many years. This article covers just one of his many dubious and radical associates but one of the worst. Needless to say MSM totally ignored this associate of his and many others as well. A very important and must read article.



Ayers to haunt Obama for 2012 election?: President never fully addressed his relationship to unrepentant terrorist.


By Aaron Klein

Has the full extent of President Obama’s relationship with Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers been exposed?

Is there still more to the Obama-Ayers affiliation that has not been dug up by enterprising reporters, authors, bloggers and researchers?

From all Obama’s radical associates from the past, few received more attention or were as shocking as the president’s connection to Ayers.

That relationship plagued Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign and could resurface during this year’s election as many questions still remain.

Among the possible avenues of inquiry: How did the duo originally meet? Did Obama have a larger relationship with Ayers’ parents? Did Ayers’ play a larger-than-known role in mentoring Obama or in aiding his political career? Are there more projects where Ayers and Obama worked together? Is there more to find regarding the work of the nonprofits where the two served together?

Obama has never fully addressed the many known aspects of his relationship with Ayers.

During an April 16, 2008 presidential debate, Obama described his relationship with Ayers thusly: “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.”

First meeting?

Until now, it has been known Obama launched his political career at a 1995 fundraiser in Ayers’ Chicago apartment and that the two served alongside each other from 1995 to 2000 on a hundred-million-dollar education foundation, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC. According to documentary evidence, it was Ayers that helped hire Obama at the CAC.

Also, Obama and Ayers served as paid directors of the Woods Fund, a nonprofit that channeled money to leftist causes.

Obama would later cite his CAC position as evidence of his qualification for public office.

However, those probing Obama were left to speculate exactly how Ayers was so familiar with him that he hired the future politician for the CAC and hosted the 1995 fundraiser.

It would later emerge that Obama worked directly with Ayers in 1988 and that the two were brought together by a radical Alinsky acolyte who was trained by Alinsky himself and whose name was obscured in Obama’s autobiography “Dreams from My Father.”

In 1988, in response to a Chicago summit that documented the poor quality of education in the city, Chicago United, a group founded by Ayers’ father, the late Thomas Ayers, formed a community advocacy coalition called the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools, or ABC. Thomas Ayers was the chairman and CEO of Commonwealth Edison.

When he created his ABCs Coalition in June 1988, Thomas Ayers included Obama in the coalition. Obama at the time was director and lead organizer of the Developing Communities Project, or DCP, an institutionally based community organization on Chicago’s Far South Side. Obama’s first job in Chicago was his DCP position.

The contact for the ABCs Coalition, on which Obama served, was none other than Bill Ayers himself, who at the time was at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Documentation reviewed by WND showed that Ayers started attending the ABCs Coalition’s monthly meetings, held over breakfasts of eggs, sausages, rolls, fruit, and coffee in a conference room on the 57th floor of Chicago’s First National Bank downtown headquarters.

Obama disguised Alinsky radical?

Obama, meanwhile, took his DCP job in 1985. In “Dreams from My Father,” Obama relates his first job in Chicago as a community organizer and claims the name of his boss at DCP was “Marty Kaufman.”

Kaufman, however, doesn’t exist. The DCP chief at the time was actually Marty Kellman, who was trained by Alinsky himself, “The Manchurian President” documents.

Additionally, the DCP, with Obama as director, received two grants. One grant was for $40,000 in 1985 and another for $33,000 in 1986 from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, a group that promoted Alinsky-style organizations

Obama worked closely with Ayers

Working at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge in 1995, Obama had a close relationship with Ayers, according to the CAC’s own archived records. The records also show Obama’s and Ayers’ foundation granted money to radical leftist activist causes.

News reports, archived records, interviews and Ayers’ own curriculum vitae document that Ayers was the founder of the CAC, which bills itself as a school reform organization. Ayers also served as co-chairman of the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, one of the two operational arms of the CAC, from its formation in 1995 until 2000.

In 1995, Obama was appointed as the CAC’s first chairman.

In response to a query by National Review Online writer Stanley Kurtz, Obama 2008 presidential campaign issued a statement claiming Ayers was not involved with Obama’s “recruitment” to the CAC board. The statement said Deborah Leff and Patricia Albjerg Graham, who served as presidents of other foundations, recruited Obama.

But Kurtz reviewed the CAC archives at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, which houses CAC board meeting minutes and other documentation from the education foundation. He found that along with Leff and Graham, Ayers was one of a working group of five who assembled the initial board of the CAC, which hired Obama.

“Ayers founded CAC and was its guiding spirit. No one would have been appointed the CAC chairman without his approval,” Kurtz wrote in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece.

Indeed, several articles in 1994 and 1995 in the Chicago Tribune detailed Ayers’ extensive work to secure the original grant for the CAC from a national education initiative by Ambassador Walter Annenberg, as well as Ayers’ molding of the CAC guidelines. It would have been unusual for Ayers not to have been involved in the selection of Obama.

Kurtz reported the CAC archives demonstrated Obama and Ayers worked as a team to further the foundation’s agenda. Obama was in charge of fiscal matters, while Ayers’ position was more concerned with shaping educational policy.

The documents showed Ayers served as an ex-officio member of the board that Obama chaired through the CAC’s first year. Ayers also served on the board’s governance committee with Obama, and worked with him to craft CAC bylaws, according to the documents.

Ayers made presentations to board meetings chaired by Obama. Ayers also spoke for the Chicago School Reform Collaborative before Obama’s board, while Obama periodically spoke for the board at meetings of the collaborative, the CAC documents reviewed by Kurtz show.

According to the documents, the CAC granted money to far-leftist causes, such as the now defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, which, WND previously reported, had done work on behalf of Obama’s presidential campaign.

WND broke the story
that while Obama chaired the board of the CAC, more than $600,000 was granted to an organization founded by Ayers and run by Mike Klonsky, a former top communist activist. Klonsky was leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, which was effectively recognized by China as the all-but-official U.S. Maoist party.

Confirms Kurtz: “Instead of funding schools directly, [the CAC] required schools to affiliate with ‘external partners,’ which actually got the money. Proposals from groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down. Instead CAC disbursed money through various far-left community organizers, such as ACRON.”

In 1995, the year Ayers founded the CAC, he gave an interview for author Ron Chepesiuk’s book “Sixties Radicals” in which Ayers stated, “I’m a radical, leftist, small ‘c’ communist.”

Kurtz notes that in his book, “Teaching Toward Freedom,” Ayers states his goal is to “teach against oppression,” which Kurtz noted Ayers defines as “against America’s history of evil and racism, thereby forcing social transformation.”

The CAC was not Obama’s only working relationship with the unrepentant terrorist.

In a widely circulated article, WND first reported Obama served on the board of the Wood’s Fund, a liberal Chicago nonprofit, alongside Ayers from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund’s website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

The two appeared together as speakers at several public events, including a 1997 University of Chicago panel entitled, “Should a child ever be called a ‘super predator?’” and another panel for the University of Illinois in April 2002 entitled, “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?”

Ayers has written about his involvement with the group’s bombings of the New York City Police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972.

“I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in an interview released on Sept. 11, 2001

“Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,” Ayers wrote in his memoirs, titled “Fugitive Days.” He continued with a disclaimer that he didn’t personally set the bombs, but his group set the explosives and planned the attack.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/20/2012 3:01:19 PM
Hello Friends,

It appears that Malia Obama went on a Spring break to Oaxaca, Mexico with no less then 25 secret service agents was totally scrubbed from the Media and that includes MSM and online media. We all remember the constant barrage of "news" on the Bush girls that flooded the MSM but it appears that the Obama girls are sacrocent and not to be touched or reported on.

I guess, Michelle's holiday way out of the ballpark expenditures are sufficient and more would be invading the "privacy" of these not to be touched Obama gals. Are you surprised??? When a president succeeds in flushing his history down the drain and locking it up hermetically was just the beginning of the B Hussein saga of cover ups. Your tax $ at work people.

More on this below.



March 19, 2012, - 11:18 pm

Media Work Overtime to Erase Story on Malia Obama Spring Break w/ 25 Secret Svc Agents

By Debbie Schlussel

Every drunken exploit of the Bush daughters was covered 24/7 when he was Prez, and Rick Santorum’s kids are already getting attacked by several comedians. But the Obama girls? Well, a story about Malia Obama’s spring break trip to Oaxaca, Mexico with 25 Secret Service agents was erased from all the mainstream media websites. Hmmm . . . working overtime to meet the Obama edicts about not covering his daughter, apparently. I was away at a movie screening and other duties, and when I returned and clicked on various links to the story from the Drudge Report and Google News, I got nothing, nada. The story’s been yanked. No note that it isn’t true. Just gone.

I clicked on the link to the UK Telegraph’s story and here’s what I got:

Click on the Investor’s Business Times and the story is not only gone, but you get detoured to the home page.

Huffington Post . . . same thing. The story’s disappeared.

UK Daily Mail. Gone.–brings-25-Secret-

Well, I guess Jay Carney needs something to do to earn his over $200,000 in annual salary and benefits package. He’s the Obama spring break story cleaner.

Clean-up in aisle Oaxaca.

Peter Fogel
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/20/2012 4:29:54 PM

Hi Peter,

Was she there without a parent? She's still only 13, I looked up her age...

I did a search on "how old is malia obama" and then lots of links about her trip to Mexico came up, including info on all the magically disappearing articles.

Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/20/2012 5:39:21 PM
Hello Peter,

To answer Kathleen's question I read that she took a dozen of her friends. There was no mention of Moose Shell going and obviously Barry is probably watching the NCAA basketball sweeps when he is not playing golf or fund raising. The youngster will likely end up a whore on the dole.

I came across this today.
[if !mso]> The End of Private Health Insurance In America

By Sally Pipes in Forbes

The boss at one of the nation’s biggest health insurers recently dropped a very public bombshell about the future of his industry — by forecasting its imminent death.

At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that “the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

That isn’t just industry whining — it’s the truth. And the chief reason for the shift is Obamacare — to its critics’ dismay and its champions’ delight. The president’s reform law installed dozens of new restrictions on how health insurance plans can be sold, priced, and managed. Selling policies has become a money-losing proposition for many firms. And several have already scaled back or completely shut down as a result.

Make no mistake — Obamacare spells the end of private insurance as we know it. And slowly but surely, patients previously covered by private insurance will find themselves funneled into government health programs.

One of Obamacare’s most disruptive new restrictions is its “minimum medical loss ratio” (MLR). This rule requires insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of all premiums received on claims. The former governs the individual and small-group markets, the latter the large-group market.

The idea is to prevent insurers from funneling excessive amounts of revenue toward administrative expenses or profit. If the company doesn’t hit the 80- or 85-percent target, it must rebate its customers the difference.

This rule may sound reasonable. After all, who doesn’t want to get better value for their premium dollars?

But it’s exerting a serious toll on insurers’ bottom lines. WellPoint, the country’s biggest insurer, took an estimated $300-million hit last year because of the rule. Aetna suffered $100 million in damage at the hands of the MLR.

Insurers won’t just eat those losses. They’ll raise premiums to compensate. And consumers will be left holding the bag.

Further, most administrative costs — like office rent and worker salaries — are relatively fixed. And the industry’s profit margin is in the neighborhood of 2 percent. So the easiest way for many insurers to drive administrative expenses below the threshold would be to hike premiums and simply pay healthcare providers more money.

That might be good news for doctors and hospitals — but it certainly won’t be for patients.

On top of those rules, Obamacare installs billions in new taxes. Starting in 2014, insurers will face an additional $8 billion in levies. For each of the next four years after that, they’re expected to pay over $14 billion annually to the federal government.

Insurers will compensate for these new costs in part by passing them along to consumers. Former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin has calculated that Obamacare’s taxes on insurers will, by themselves, cause family premiums to jump by $5,000 over the next decade.

Obamacare seems to have anticipated the likelihood that its additional rules and taxes would compel insurers to raise their prices. So Administration officials will try to control the price of insurance directly. Federal officials now require insurers that want to raise premiums by 10 percent or more to post a formal explanation on a government website.

Then, federal and state bureaucrats will determine if the rate increase is “justified.” Insurers whose hikes don’t pass government muster will be barred from participating in the state-based insurance exchanges expected to be up by 2014.

This exclusion doesn’t just penalize insurers by cutting them off from potential customers. It also harms consumers by limiting their insurance choices.

With provisions like these in place, Obamacare effectively forces insurers to pay out more generous benefits but limits their ability to raise the revenue needed to do so. Consequently, many firms will go out of business.

The decline has already started. Aetna has pulled out of the individual insurance market in Colorado and Indiana and out of the small-group market in Michigan. The Iowa-based Principal Financial Group stopped selling health insurance entirely, leaving 840,000 people without coverage. And Unicare has stopped selling policies in Virginia.

These developments are just the beginning. As Obamacare locks into place, the economic pressures on insurers and taxpayers will only grow stronger. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office just revealed that Obamacare will cost $1.76 trillion between 2012 and 2022 — about $800 billion more than the Office estimated when the bill was signed in March 2010.

To Obamacare’s supporters, the euthanization of private insurers may be a feature, not a bug, within the law. But for patients who like their current health coverage — and aren’t looking forward to paying government-inflated rates for their care — the death of private insurance will be an unfortunate one indeed.

Sally C. Pipes is President, CEO, and Taube Fellow in Health Care Studies at the Pacific Research Institute. Her latest book is The Pipes Plan: The Top Ten Ways to Dismantle and Replace Obamacare (Regnery 2012).

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/20/2012 5:42:26 PM
A new verb,

"To Fluke"
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.

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