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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/29/2012 2:16:31 PM
Hello Friends,

I've seen some very amusing posts by some of our progressive liberal friends here in Adland. One in particular was actually hilarious where articles were posted claiming that the Kochs and Wall Street are causing the price of gas to go up. They read articles that ignore facts staring them in the face and spout their progressive liberal propaganda.

The price of gas is going up due to B Hussein's insane oil policies. He's not allowing offshore drilling, giving very few drilling plan approvals, blocking the keystone oil pipeline and the list goes on and on. On the other hand he gave a loan to a foreign government to drill for oil (they don't need the loan) that just by chance (if you believe that) his puppet master George Soros was in partnership with.

So, rather them place the blame at the doorstep of the inept B Hussein they try and find some conservative to blame. Typical socialist/Marxist tactics and the sheeple say amen and continue to ignore the facts staring them in the face. Ya, got to pity them don't ya? :)

The below article has an infographic and charts to prove it's all B Hussein and his goon squads. Be sure to follow the links in the article to read more on gas price hikes.



Your Offensive Obama Oil Policy Infographics of the Day

If you’re looking for a single picture that captures the salient points of President Barack Obama’s oil policy, here it is. Courtesy of the Republican Study Committee:

This was timely, given Steve Maley’s excellent posting yesterday on the “10 Ways Obama Could Reduce Gas Prices Now“. Now some on the Left, including the President himself, are trying to convince us that there’s nothing he can do to bring gas prices down in the short term. And in fact it is pretty obvious that his administration’s policies are diametrically opposed to the idea of reducing prices in the first place (witness the Steven Chu quote cited in the infographic). But as my colleague Steve posted in his RedHot tweet last night, there is ample evidence that past Presidential actions have resulted in just such immediate relief as Obama and his minions deny are possible…behold, the second best infographic of the day:


Despite the feeble efforts of the Left to excuse Obama’s offensive energy policy as having little or no impact on gas and oil prices, the evidence speaks for itself. Not only have the policies of the Obama administration had an adverse impact on the price of oil, but these anti-oil policies are probably hindering the economic recovery that the President supposedly seeks. But hey, Obama’s tree-hugging buddies are pleased as can be at his eco-pandering and continued efforts to use government money to shore up an “alternative energy” industry that is neither profitable nor practical. While Obama and Chu continue to peddle lies about the oil and gas industry, they stick us with the price tag for follies like Solyndra. As Marita Noon describes, it’s “Obama’s Fake Fossil Fuel Infatuation“:

While greens describe Section 1603 as a program that “provided grants in lieu of tax credits to small renewable companies,” free market, fiscal conservatives—who don’t like subsidies in the first place—would be outraged if they understood how the program is really used. The PTC gave owners of wind turbines a tax credit of 2.2 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity produced during the first 10 years of operation. A 50 MW installation operating at an average capacity factor of 30% would generate 131,000,000 kWh per year. The owner would receive a PTC of $2,891,000 per year or $28,910,000 over 10 years. However, Section 1603 allowed the turbine owners to take a “cash grant” equal to 30% of capital costs up front ($100-120 million, 30% = $30-36 million) that came directly from the US Treasury—whether or not the turbine ever produced any electricity. This removes the performance risk for the developer and allows projects with a marginal net capacity factor to get built—even though, like Solyndra, the project doesn’t attract enough private investment. Plus, the cash grant is a “grant,” not a loan. The government doesn’t expect any money back. With the money taken up front, rather than annually based on actual production, turbine owners do not have the incentive to keep up the costly maintenance, and the turbines can eventually be abandoned. Additionally, much of the money is given to foreign companies—not “small renewable companies.”

These brief samples of President Obama’s priorities, as outlined in his proposed budget, highlight the flaws of his ideology. Instead of building on strength, it builds on failure. Renewables have repeatedly proven that they are more expensive than traditional fuels and are unwanted—requiring mandates and government programs to create an artificial market. There are thousands of abandoned wind turbines rusting in the wind. There were no buyers for Solyndra. Their stock of solar tubes were tossed in the trash. Fledgling companies from all segments of the renewable industry have gone bankrupt. They were surviving solely on subsidies and couldn’t compete without the frequent cash infusions. Yet, the budget promises them billions more—good money thrown after bad.

Peter Morici, of the University of Maryland Smith School of Business sums it up well:

Under Mr. Obama’s stewardship, the U.S. economy is not recovering as it should. As per usual, the president distracts public attention from poor policy choices by blaming and ridiculing others.

After three years, the president, who promised Americans millions of clean energy jobs in place of a thriving petroleum industry and much lower unemployment, should own up to his mistakes. Most Americans are needlessly paying too much for gas and foreign oil, while federally subsidized solar and wind projects are filing for bankruptcy.

This November, poor judgment and weakness of character—such as the president’s repeated attacks on the petroleum industry and failure to take responsibility for the consequences of his actions—make the most compelling case for change.

Americans should not expect a perfect president but at least one who bases decisions on facts not whimsy, and learns from mistakes.

Americans are simply not getting fact-based leadership and good judgment from President Obama.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/29/2012 3:34:00 PM
Hello Friends,

I thought there could be no new reasons for me to despise Ron Paul and lo and behold there are. In the below article I was actually caught by surprise cos as skeptical as I am about anything concerning Ron Paul I believed he was against all foreign aid to all countries and then I read the below article.

Remember a few days ago I wrote that I have a feeling that Ron Paul is in the employ of the Muslims? Well this article in a way validates that. It appears that this guy really loves his Muslim terrorist groups. He voted to continue US aid and funding to Hamas and now he got his payback. Both Hamas and Hezbollah endorse Ron Paul! Interesting isn't it?

The below article is very interesting and should be an eyeopener to many.



Hezbollah Endorses Ron Paul

By Debbie Schlussel

I’ve already told you about Ron Paul’s vote to continue U.S. aid and funding to HAMAS. And he also has the group’s Shi’ite counterpart, Hezbollah, on his side, too, just as he did when he ran for President in 2008.

As you know, today is Michigan’s Presidential Primary. And, yesterday, Ron Paul made a special campaign appearance in Dearbornistan for a reason. That’s where his Hezbollah-supporter Muslims have their highest concentration in America. The Paul campaign passed out Arabic campaign literature. Apparently, the irony was lost on Ron Paul that the literature says in English, “Restore America Now,” and everything else on it is in Arabic. And the Hezbollah USA newspaper, the openly anti-Semitic Arab American News–owned by Hezbollah agent Osama Siblani, a close relative of top Al-Manar (Hezbollah TV) execs–endorsed Ron Paul. Shocker. So did the Arab American PAC, a pro-Hezbollah, pro-HAMAS group which endorsed George W. Bush for President and which features an Islamic terrorist and a man convicted of odometer fraud and several other crimes as its most prominent members. And Muslim “Republicans” have also given Paul their halal seal of jihadist approval.

Also endorsing Ron Paul is Tarek Baydoun, a calorically gifted lawyer who worked as a fundraiser for Hezbollah “charity,” Al-Mabarat Charitable Organization.

Al-Mabarat was raided by FBI agents when he worked there in 2007, but sadly the raid was a meaningless show raid by the Bush Administration and then U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy (now a Bush-appointed, very liberal federal judge) to pretend they were doing something to stop Hezbollah terrorism financing in Michigan and get media coverage of it. They never actually froze the assets of the organization or took any steps to shut it down. Today, it continues to send millions of U.S. dollars back to Hezbollah-run South Lebanon. Baydoun–who is from a well-known Hezbollah family from South Lebanon–and his fellow Jew-hating Shi’ite Muslims in Dearbornistan repeatedly send dumb, stalking e-mails my way. And, Baydoun, who has a not very heterosexual apparent mancrush on Ron Paul, has made sure to communicate his halal Ron Paul Hezbollah circle jerk fantasies. Here’s one tweet he directed at me on the night of January 3rd:


Ron Paul Proudly Seeks Support of the Judenrein Crowd

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/1/2012 5:40:43 AM
Hello Friends,

One of my favorite politicians is Rep, Alan West. He's a man with true conservative principals and a patriot who's served his country most of his adult life in the Military until he retired as a Lt. Colonel and now as a Congressman.

He never shies away from telling the truth whether the truth be considered by the progressive liberal MSM to be politically INCORRECT and there is no doubt in my mind that he'll continue to do so in the future.

The below article is an interview with Alan West and well worth reading. I urge any and all Floridians residing in district 22 to support and vote for him in the upcoming elections. The question and answer in red was highlighted by me.



Catching Up with Rep. Allen West

The freshman discusses his 2012 campaign.

Q. Congressman West, you have decided to run for reelection in newly drawn Florida District 18, where there are more Republican registered voters, instead of your current Florida District 22 that will also be redrawn to include more registered Democrat voters. This decision points to a realization that your conservative message only plays well in Republican-leaning districts, and that if you stayed in your current District 22 your chances of reelection would have been substantially reduced. Why do your strongly held conservative principles seem to be so polarizing among the general voting population?

A. Conservative principles are not new — after all, our nation was founded on conservative principles of limited government, individual responsibility, and a strong defense. The problem is these principles have been ignored by the liberal progressive politicians and certain media which have convinced much of the voting population that government can solve all their problems, will take care of them from cradle-to-grave, and it is our nation’s fault that our enemies wish to do us harm.

Traditional conservative principles are threatening to a populace spoon-fed liberal progressive lies and misrepresentation.

Q. Martin County Sheriff Robert Crowder will bechallenging you in a GOP primary in FL-18. Crowder has said that “outsiders shouldn’t be able to move in and get a free ride.” Are you concerned about Crowder’s primary challenge? Will Crowder’s entry into the race force you to make any changes to your campaign strategy or message?

A. Every member of the House of Representatives must stand for reelection every two years. There is no such thing as a “free ride.” It is up to the

voters to decide who will best represent them on Capitol Hill. My conservative message is not a campaign strategy, it is my fundamental belief. I always have and will continue to stand for the strong conservative principles on which this nation was founded.

Q. The conventional wisdom among Democrats is that you are “too radical.” Do you resent that label? Do you believe there is any truth to that moniker?

A. What concerns me deeply is that today, the traditional principles upon which this great nation was founded are somehow considered “radical.” Some argue 236 years ago, the idea of forming a nation where power derives from the individual and not from a monarch was “radical.” The fact that patriotism, belief in God and a willingness to fight for our constitutional freedom and liberties is labeled by some as “radical” simply demonstrates to me how misguided liberal Democrats have become.

Q. Democrat congressional candidate Patrick Murphy, who was in a primary battle with Democrat Lois Frankel for the opportunity to run against you in FL-22, announced on February 8 that he is now following you to FL-18, where he most likely will be your opponent in the November general election.

When Mr. Murphy announced his intent to run against you in FL-18 he said the following: “Today our campaign is putting Mr. West on notice. … There is no safe district he can run to.”

Please comment on Mr. Murphy’s assertion that you are running to a safe district.

A. Fascinating.

Q. Regardless of what any Democrat says about you, the fact remains that your message is resonating with conservatives. The proof is you have raised just under $5.8 million from around the nation in the 2012 election cycle.

This is remarkable because it is more than any member of Congress except Speaker of the House John Boehner, who raised $12 million. By comparison, fellow Florida Congresswoman and DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz raised just under $1.7 million.

You also out-raised Florida Senator Bill Nelson, who is running for reelection ($5.6 million vs. your $5.8 million). Why do you think your fundraising ability is so high — more like a senate campaign than a congressional reelection?

A. The conservative message we profess is resonating across the land. The American people are looking for a strong messenger — look what happened during the 2010 mid-term elections. More and more Americans are waking up and realizing this country is on the wrong track, and we need to get back to the fundamental principles that made this nation great.

I never shy away from the truth. I will not be silenced by political correctness. A strong voice is needed to cut through the liberal cacophony of the current administration and its mainstream media allies.

Q. Do you regret not running against Senator Bill Nelson, especially since you have outraised him?

A. Nope.

Q. As a rising star and leader in the conservative movement with great national media appeal, where do you see yourself in five years?

A. Let me start by saying that five years before I got elected to the United States House of Representatives, I was in the desert of Afghanistan. I could never have imagined that today I would have the honor to serve our nation in the United States Congress. I have spent my life serving my country. I will continue to serve, in whatever capacity I can. Ultimately, that decision is not mine. It belongs to the American people, my family, and God.

Q. If Governor Mitt Romney is the GOP presidential nominee will you ask him to campaign for you in your new congressional district?

A. I think Governor Mitt Romney will have plenty of other priorities more important than campaigning for a freshman congressman.

Q. Do you believe Governor Romney is a conservative?

A. John Locke said: “I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.” Over the course of his tenure leading the state of Massachusetts, one might question the conservatism of some of Governor Romney’s decisions. Governor Romney, as a Republican, had to govern one of the bluest states in the country. I certainly believe Governor Romney is more conservative than President Obama.

Q. As you know, Florida is a must-win state for Governor Romney in a general election. If Romney asked you to campaign for him or with him statewide in Florida, would you say “yes”?

A. I shall wholeheartedly support the chosen Republican candidate for president — unless of course that candidate is Ron Paul and we had a discussion and an understanding on where we disagree on foreign policy.

Q. Do you enjoy all the media attention you often garner, especially after you have said something that is perceived as controversial?

A. I believe we need to change the conversation in this country. I believe that we need to challenge the status quo. I believe we need to shake the foundation of the entrenched special interests. Most important, I believe in stimulating ideas and forcing the American people to do what we do not do enough of today: think! What I say is only controversial to those afraid of the truth.

Myra Adams is a media producer, writer, and political observer who served on the McCain Ad Council during the 2008 McCain campaign, and on the 2004 Bush campaign creative team. Her columns have appeared on PJ Media, The Daily Caller and as a co-writer on The Daily Beast. Myra's web site contributes all profits to Christian charity.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/1/2012 6:22:19 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's a a Dry Bones Golden Oldie from 1992. Unfortunately it seems that Dry Bones has the gift of prophecy.



Today's Golden Oldie is from 1992.
Twenty years ago this month!

A rare single-panel Dry Bones cartoon. It was a pessimistic view of the future. Unfortunately, it turned out that I was right.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/1/2012 6:04:17 PM
Hello Friends,

It's with great sadness that I write these lines. Andrew Breitbart one of the most influential and an overall conservative power houses passed away at the age of 43.

I was shocked when I heard of this tragedy and am still stunned now. This vibrant fighter for truth and justice will be sorely missed.

Just a few weeks ago I posted a video of his speech at CPAC which was classic Breitbart. He had so much to offer and contribute that I find it hard to think of anybody that can fill his enormous shoes. He broke many scoops on his websites the most well know are the Wienergate scandal and the ACORN child trafficking scandal. With the Wienergate scandal he took on the MSM who supported and accepted Wiener's denials until he was forced to resign. Andrew took the stage by storm just before Wiener made his resignation speech and berated the MSM for not even bothering to check and see if the scoop was true.

My prayers go to his family and may he rest in peace. You won't be forgotten Andrew.




Conservative warrior Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

'Lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully'

Conservative media powerhouse Andrew Breitbart, founder of among other websites, died unexpectedly this morning in Los Angeles at the age of 43, according to his websites.

His websites announced he died shortly after midnight of natural causes.

“We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior,” the statement said.

“Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.”

The announcement cited a new conclusion Breitbart recently wrote to his book “Righteous Indignation”:

I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and – famously – I enjoy making enemies.

Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I’ve lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I’ve gained hundreds, thousands—who knows?—of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night.

Breitbart was walking near his home in Brentwood, Calif just after midnight Thursday when he collapsed, his father-in-law Orson Bean told the Associated Press. A neighbor saw Breitbart fall and called 9-1-1. Emergency crews tried to revive him and rushed him to the emergency room at UCLA Medical Center, Bean said.

Breitbart had suffered heart problems a year earlier, but Bean said he could not pinpoint what happened.

“I don’t know what to say. It’s devastating,” Bean told AP.

The Los Angeles Coroner’s Office confirmed to ABC News Radio that Breitbart died shortly after midnight at UCLA Medical Center. No foul play is suspected, a source close to Breitbart told WND today.

He is survived by his wife and four children.

“I have known Andrew for nearly 15 years and considered him a friend. His passion and energy for seeking the truth will be greatly missed by the nation. It’s almost incomprehensible that he left us so soon,” said Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND.

In a column today, Farah recalls meeting Breitbart years ago when he worked as a backup editor for the Drudge Report.

Matt Drudge paid tribute to his colleague and friend with a posting on the Drudge Report: “In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what’s happening. I don’t think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind’s eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20′s. It was all there. He had a wonderful, loving family and we all feel great sadness for them today.”

Sean Hannity told WND: “Andrew was a warrior, though a happy warrior, who relished political combat. He cared deeply for his friends, his family and his country. The movement has lost a passionate advocate. And I have lost a good friend. Andrew and his family are in our prayers.”

“I’m stunned,” wrote Michelle Malkin. “He was kinetic, brash, relentless, full of fight, the bane of the Left, and a mentor to the next generation of right-wing activists and citizen journalists. Please keep his family in your prayers.”

The Tweets started immediately on word that Breitbart was gone at age 43.

Ed Morrissey: “Incredibly sad to say farewell to Andrew Breitbart.”

Monica Crowley: “I can’t believe this: conservative activist & friend Andrew Breitbart has died. this is a huge loss. Prayers to his family”

In a tasteless Twitter post, the Anonymous hack group today announced Andrew Breitbart’s death by calling him a “conservative loudmouth” and reminding followers that Breitbart recently confronted Occupy protesters.

“Conservative loudmouth Andrew Breitbart dies at 43 from natural causes,” read a post in Anonymous’ main twitter feed.

A second Anonymous post read, “Andrew Breitbart dead at 43 – Hey, remember this?” linking to an article about how Breitbart confronted an Occupy crowd at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference.

Even the embattled Media Matters for America posted a more tasteful message, telling followers: “Media Matters has a long history with Andrew Breitbart. We’ve disagreed more than we’ve found common ground, but there was never any question of Andrew’s passion for and commitment to what he believed.”

“Andrew was a workaholic. He was online nearly 24/7. He lived and breathed the news cycle. In fact, this morning, 10 hours after his untimely death, he is still on Instant Messenger – with an ‘away’ message,” said Farah.

Learning the news, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum called it “shocking.”

“What a powerful force,” he said of Breitbart. “It’s almost – you think of anybody out there who’s just got more energy, and just, out there constantly, driving and pushing. What a huge loss, in my opinion, for our country, and certainly for the conservative movement.”

Talk-radio host Mark Levin posted on his Facebook page: “Like most, I am totally stunned and deeply saddened by Andrew’s passing. He was a wonderful person and patriot. He loved his family and country. I will miss him. Many of us will. Andrew had enormous energy and courage. He was a pioneer. He was only 43 years old. I wish I had known him longer. The last time I was with Andrew was in November, when we both spoke in Washington at an Americans for Prosperity event, where Occupy DC was outside the convention center making all kinds of accusations and bullying people. Andrew loved the battle and he knew the stakes. May he rest in peace. May his family find peace. May God bless him.”

Breitbart, in addition to publishing websites devoted to repudiating what he saw as the liberal-dominated coverage of politics and culture, once served as an editor for the Drudge Report and helped Arianna Huffington launch the Huffington Post website.

Breitbart also founded his own news network, acting as the publisher of several news websites including,, Big Hollywood, Big Government, Big Journalism and Big Peace.

Big Government broke the ACORN child sex trafficking scandal and also, in 2011, the “Weinergate” photo scandal that led to the resignation of New York Rep. Anthony Weiner.

Breitbert was known for publishing controversial exposes and wrote a best-selling critique of celebrity culture, “Hollywood, Interrupted.” His newest book “Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!” was on the New York Times best-seller list.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7