Hello Dear Pauline and Joe, our BFA Team! You are just AMAZING! I was so surprise to be there within the nominations with "The Welcoming Club"... I was not expecting this type of forum to be there among the winners... I feel very much honored by the nomination itself and I want to warmly Thank everyone who nominated or voted for me... From the Heart! I also want to mention that Sarah, Lydia and Roger are amazing winner forums... Keep up the good work My Friends... your turn will soon come! And, Dearest Jill... CONGRATULATIONS My New Friend for your OUTSTANDING FORUM... Looking at the stats from the outside is already very impressive. And, from all the comments that inundate all of Adland, there is no question about the quality of your forum... And, when you get in there at first, this is very much impressive... Since I am quite new here, I still have to dive in and, I don't really know where to start... with over 1500 pages already posted, it is a huge book to consider... But, I should get into it somehow very soon MY Friend. Jill, through my own eyes and through all of these years, you are achieving a phenomenal performance with your forum and, fully deserve the honor that is attributed to you today. ENJOY YOUR MONTH MY FRIEND! To Jill and all of the Mountaineers... Keep on your Journey My Friends!  With Lots of Friendship, Blessings, Hugs Alain