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Flag of John Leal

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The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy
5/4/2009 5:07:51 AM


Dr Leonard Horowitz makes a case for a vaccine manufacturer letting loose a genetically modified bug to get what they need to move forward and increase demand for their vaccines. Very convincing must see video. Authorities have admitted that the current flu is a new combination but they are mum about who made it and why. The WHO is just now raising the pandemic alert level to level 5 indicating widespread human to human transmission. Someone, and I doubt it was God, designed this virus for maximum effect though perhaps it will not be more dangerous than other flu outbreaks. It seems significant that it is not flu season. No matter how many people get this particular swine flu we have to do our best to reduce complications and deaths. The first step in this direction is to not administer or accept dangerous vaccines and medications like Tamiflu for all evidence and testimony seem to point to the dangers of doing so.

What is Really Going On


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Re: The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy
5/4/2009 5:23:25 AM

Hi John,

Very interesting and thanks for sharing with us.

Nothing much surprises me anymore and the greed for money knows no bounds. Letting people die to sell more vaccines sounds like just another blip in his crazy world.

Luckily the 3 infected in Israel were either tourists or business people that were in Mexico and we've had no deaths so far.

I'm posting the video here cos I have trouble for some reason watching youtube links and have no problems with the actual videos. Strange.

((youtube id="GBeKB7aKzOs"))((/youtube))



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Re: The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy
5/4/2009 5:39:29 AM

Hi John,

Had to come back after watching the video.

This is criminal to say the least and I do thank you for sharing it with us.

These guys are sick and it seems that deaths just fill their pocket's with "gold". These people should be put away if it's all true.

I'm passing this on to friends and family.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Re: The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy
5/4/2009 5:51:21 AM
Hi John,

It dose not surprise me one bit. Len's been trying to educate people about these man made conspiracies for a very long time. If you were a drug company wouldn't  you want  people sick ? There is no money in healthy people the profit is in the sick ones.

 I have known Len since 1998 he didn't even have Grey hair thanwhen I first met him :)  I  have never seen him miss it on this kind of information. He has written several books about how these epidemics are created and than the drug companies make billions off the suffering of others.  A couple of his  books are Emerging viruses Aids and Ebolia and Death in the air  both are great books and contain some very damning evidence against the drug companies and WHO. If you would like to see some of his other works or read his  articles  you can  go to.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
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Re: The Great Swine Flu Conspiracy
5/4/2009 2:40:40 PM
TY,TY,TY for posting this too. I just informed another forum about this too. Pass this around! The information is true Many Many know this and we are NOT GOING TO STAND FOR THIS. Because it is an International Scheme It is more difficult to prosecute those demons...however we will!

Now this USA here is having lobbyist supported by the Monsanto and other Families hooked into Big Pharma to go into the House  & Senate with "DECEPTIVE" AND "evil" bills to halt our Constitutional Rights for Freedom for HEALTH AND Pursuit of Happiness. They call these Bills things like HR 20 Mother's Act,HR 759 & HR 875  Heath Modification Act. Calling them names that suggesst they care and are protecting the poeple- while they are deceiving the masses.

E-mail, call and fax your REPS in both Houses NOW. They are in session. The time is now. Ron Paul is standing up against these guys, how about your Reps in your STATE???
This is  Health Petition to help change this "craziness"..go here to sign if you like to:

Please PASS this around!
YOur Friend,
Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.