Hello Peter,
I posted the, what I presently believe to be the genuine birth certificate, in this forum of yours, considering it has little to do with the “Gaza strip” forum. But then, as you say, these have consequential factors for all.
If I said that I will not comment, this is due to my simple understanding that it is not America, or any other country for that matter, that can even by rectifying its own general corruptness bring along “freedom” and “liberty” to its citizens. These two words have different significances for not only different people but for different nations, cultures, and traditions. As a European, we have a very different culture and tradition to America, simply due to our history on which these are founded and I therefore would be out of step to impose these to others. This would be the very similar error which the “world order” is presently trying to set about. The more they try to impose this, the closer we are to outright chaos.
Granted that we (Europeans) have not stood to our traditions, we are effectively confronted similarly to the USA, but at a different level, to just as bad a forthcoming future. The USA presently seem to have forgotten their constitution, we in Europe simply change it according to the whim of political correctness. Which is better, which is worse is effectively an arguable question. My understanding is that there ARE greater values in life than those limited to words; there is He who is the “VERB”.
To make a long story short (which it would be, where I to elaborate) any comment in this field on my behalf would only be fitting if an initial standpoint were to be established and accepted by its counterparts. (This would then entail a lot of work for all participants! J )
Friendly yours,