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Re: Friends, I need your Prayers for someone
9/5/2005 11:44:47 AM
Hi Kathy, This is so wonderful of you. Thanks for the invitation. I will pray for Neil. Just would like to let him know that God loves him just the same. God has a perfect understanding of who he is and no matter what he still loves you Neil. Sharon
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Friends, I need your Prayers for someone
9/5/2005 1:39:28 PM
Hi Kathy, I am in agreement with you. Neil is on my prayer list now. Thank you for sharing your interactions that you've had with him. Someone who fights so hard against the TRUTH is being pursued by God. He still has the choice to accept or reject, but you can be assured that the LORD is working in his life to show Neil the way. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him might be saved". One of the quotes that I absolutely love from Corey Ten Boom's book, The Hiding Place is: "there is no darkness so deep, that God's love is not deeper still". This is also true of our friend Neil. One of the prison guards who had abused Corey's sister in the Nazi concentration camp (where she died), was someone who came up to Corey years later when she was speaking and sharing her testimony was this guard. He came to her and asked if she could forgive him. This man had become a Christian and recognized that he needed forgiveness from God. Corey reached out and forgave him. This is the same thing we must do, to those who call us evil, or abuse us. We can only do this because of Christ's magnificent love and forgiveness for us. Let's not forget the many who have come to Christ, who once claimed atheism: Josh McDowell T.S. Elliott C.S. Lewis Faraday Kelvin Galileo Pasteur To name a few. The list is long of people who came to know that God is real, and that there is salvation in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Prayers are good, & they will not go unanswered. Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Friends, I need your Prayers for someone
9/5/2005 1:48:01 PM
Cheryl, Thanks for sharing, Praise God,He is good. Thanks, great news, the Angels are dancing in heaven,kathy martin
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Michael Rogers

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Re: Friends, I need your Prayers for someone
9/5/2005 2:32:37 PM
Hello Kathy, It will be done. And I must add, you are a very special Angel for doing this. God will heal, help, and protect all. Hopefully, Neil himself will open up and let God in. respectfully,
Leon Horton

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Re: Friends, I need your Prayers for someone
9/5/2005 9:57:30 PM
Kathy, Neil is on our list. We have strength in numbers. Peace, Leon