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Steven Suchar

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending May 5th for the 187th POTW:
5/5/2009 5:59:07 PM
Hi Kathleen!

I want to sincerely apologize for being scarce around here lately.  I've been helping a close friend move and it has eaten up a lot of my time over the past couple of weeks.  We are getting it handled though and it is almost completed. :P

Here is my 'Lucky 7' for POTW #187. :)

Gabrielle Brothers

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Pauline Raina

Jayson VanBeekom

Jan Green

Stephen Hauser

Sarah Pritchard

These friends are steady supporters every week...Thanks Guys & Gals!!!!

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.
Jayson VanBeekom

796 Posts
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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending May 5th for the 187th POTW:
5/5/2009 8:13:27 PM

Hey we were also out helping aunt & uncle move, finally, they were supposed to leave a few days ago.  Too many goodbyes to them!  Lulz.  Good nephew not me.

Obv my mom also forgot to get online when we got home and close this up so since its still's mine.

1. Luis Miguel Goitizolo

2. Rajaram S.K.

3. Sam Sunday

4. Jan Green

5. Georgios Paraskevopoulos

6. Beryl Payton

7. Robert Vaughan

Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending May 5th for the 187th POTW:
5/5/2009 8:23:11 PM

Okay, THANKS Jayson!!  Nothing good on TV right now anyway.  We weren't home at 7 pm, then got home and HAD to watch American Idol!!

So now the 187th is closed!!


That was obvious from several Nominators ago!!  But it was very close between several people this week.


The NOMINATORS of this WEEK are:

Alain (7th from last)

Robert (10th from last)

CONGRATS EVERYONE!!  The official Congrats thread will be up by noon eastern time tomorrow!  What time is that in France?  5 pm??  Maybe I'll get it done sooner than nooner.

