Pat, I am hearing you and feeling much the same tonight. "Why?" Why does it seem there is no hope in near sight? Why is God just letting us struggle along with no relief? Why are some worried that they may not be able to pay "another" $10,000 on the house this year so they can have "all" their debts for life paid of in 4 years, while others can barely feed their kids? And Why, when God owns the cattle on a thousand hills?
I don't think it's a popular scripture but here it is..."It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)
This is saying that it's better to be in poverty than to be rich and unable to find a way into heaven. I don't at all have offense against wealth, but I know there is reality to the fact that when you "can" put so much trust in money it makes it harder to feel and recognize a need for God to keep and save you.
We "Know" Pat that God knows. We Know that he has our best in mind. We Know that he told us not to give thought to the "cares" of this life, because he cares for us, and if he clothes the lilies of the field how much more us?
If we never suffered at all in this life then how could we ever relate to Jesus? How can we relate to his death if we never die? How can we feel for the hurting if we never hurt? And how can we have a heart of humility if it is "able" to have full pride in itself?
From the ancient of days very long ago; it was said even then that suffering is what grows wisdom. If we die a little, then we might know a little of the life in Christ.
Hang on Pat, I have seen the times when no doors would open!! And then I've seen the times when they did so easily "when" God wanted them to.
"Don't surrender your faith which has great recompence of reward." Faith is not great trust that God will answer today or I won't believe him anymore, but faith is unmovable trust that even if I make my bed in hell, thou art with me!
I'm taking to me too. Love kim