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Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Congratulations to all Tauruses!
4/22/2009 6:44:12 AM
Hello Lydia,

Thank you for the Birthday party for Tauruses.

My best wishes to all who celebrate their birthdays this month.



Lydia Fokina

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Re: Congratulations to all Tauruses!
4/22/2009 7:13:34 AM

Thank You, Dimitra!

Welcome to party!

Greetings to all, to Tauruses - especially!


Картинка 10 из 8237

Best wishes, Lydia

Peter Fogel

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Re: Congratulations to all Tauruses!
4/22/2009 7:32:57 AM

Hi Lydia,

Thanks for this thread for all Taureans. It's much appreciated.

I'll come up with my list of favorite Taureans too.

I checked  and your Lenin isn't mentioned in any of the lists of famous Taureans. :(



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Lydia Fokina

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Re: Congratulations to all Tauruses!
4/22/2009 8:21:27 AM

Hi Peter!

At last the first Taurus has appeared here!

Congratulations to You Peter!

WOW, "I checked  and your Lenin isn't mentioned in any of the lists of famous Taureans.Sad"
We in Soviet Union 70 years lived under the flag of Vladimir Lenin!

Some information about Vladimir Lenin frm Vikipedia:

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian: Владимир Ильич Ленин) (22 April 1870 - 21 January 1924), born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Russian: Владимир Ильич Ульянов) and commonly known by the names V.I. Lenin or simply Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary, Bolshevik communist politician, principal leader of the October Revolution and the first head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, better known as the Soviet Union. In 1998, he was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.[1] His contributions to Marxist theory are commonly referred to as Leninism.....


Undoubtedly, this Taurus has brought the big contribution to history of mankind.
The lot of examinations have handed over on bases of marxism-leninism!
Till now I remember a theme of a question on exam on philosophy in postgraduate study: " Criticism of the Kant on the right and at the left ". It appears, these philosophers were born in one day - on April, 22nd!
And still Lenin's birthday to  all us in Russia is memorable as tradition of Communistic Saturdays.

Now this tradition is transformed to " The International Day of the Earth April 22"

Берегите Землю
OK, till next, Lydia
Phillip Black

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Re: Congratulations to all Tauruses!
4/22/2009 1:25:09 PM

Hi Lydia,

Thanks so much for sharing all of this wonderful information about these Famous & Infamous Taureans.

A few of the Infamous that I haven't seen on the list yet include...

Kark Marx               May 5, 1818

Saddam Hussein      April 28, 1937

Malcolm X               May 19, 1925

Timothy McVeigh      April 23, 1968

And a few of the Funniest...

George Carlin         `May 12, 1937

Don Rickels               May 8, 1926

Jay Leno                    April 28, 1950

Carol Burnett            April 26, 1933

As for Taureans here at Adland having a Birthday today, I simply have to add our Friend who brings us so many "Beautiful Summer Mornings"...

Nick Grimshawe   

So for Nick, Lee, Konstantin, Sonja and all of our Wonderful Adland Friends born under the sign of Taurus...

On The Day Of Your Birth

May You Celebrate With the Ones You Love And Those Who Love You,

And May The Year Ahead Be Filled With Good Health, Good Times, And Above All, Good Friends.

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Day,





“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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