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Lydia Fokina

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Fertile fire Jerusalem
4/18/2009 10:06:26 AM

Today in the Temple of the Coffin of the Lord in Jerusalem was an annual miracle - occurrence of fertile fire.

It occurs in a Holy Saturday on the eve of Orthodox Easter.

Under the legend if fertile fire does not appear this day, it will mean a doomsday, Armagedon, that year.


Click the image

Fertile fire arises on a stone bed on which the body of the Christ lay three days after execution.

 At first fertile fire does not burn.

Lighted from fertile fixtures will be transported in Orthodox temples of Russia and other countries.

Congratulations to all with Orthodox Easter - Pascha!


Branka Babic

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Re: Fertile fire Jerusalem
4/18/2009 11:10:19 AM


Dear Lydia and all Orthodox Christians world wide,

Christos anesti, Christ is Risen,

Христос воскресе !

((youtube id="2EgzztdEn4I"))((/youtube))

God bless you all !


Lydia Fokina

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Re: Fertile fire Jerusalem
4/18/2009 11:30:01 AM

Hello Branka!

Thanks and happy and blessed Orthodox Easter!


Светлая Пасха

Easter orthodox song_Hristos voskrese

Ljudi likujte, narodi čujte:
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvezde igrajte, gore pevajte,
Hristos voskrese, radost donese!
Šume šumite, vetri brujite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Mora gudite, zveri ričite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Pčele se rojte, a ptice pojte
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!

Anđeli stojte, pesmu utrojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Nebo se snizi, zemlju uzvisi,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvona zvonite, svima javite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Slava ti Bože, sve ti se može,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Anđeli stojte, pesmu utrojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Nebo se snizi, zemlju uzvisi,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvona zvonite, svima javite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Slava ti Bože, sve ti se može,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!

Hugs, Lydia

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Fertile fire Jerusalem
4/18/2009 4:25:35 PM

To you, to Branka and all our Orthodox Friends I wish
Xristos Voskrese!
Христос Воскресе!

Click above

My contribution to this forum will be in two directions
1) The sounds of Hagia Sophia Constantinople
2) The Holy Light that doesn't burn (Few people know about this)

The sounds of Hagia Sophia
Click Above

Standing in the Hagia Sophia (The Church of Divine Wisdom) in Istanbul (ancient Byzantium, renamed Constantinople) is an experience of both amazement and deep frustration. Built in the sixth century by Emperor Justinian it was a wonder of the world, a thousand years ahead of its time in design and construction. It flourished as a center of Orthodox worship until the overthrow of the city by the Ottoman Empire, which turned it into a mosque. The majority of its amazing mosaics were plastered over by the Islamic prohibition on images. Now a museum they have uncovered a few (like my favorite above) to inspire visitors.

To stand in front of these is to open a window to the theology of early Christians. Jesus is clad in blue (for his humanity) and gold (for his deity). He often holds his right hand in a pose that crosses the first two fingers to convey his two natures, and combines the final two fingers with his thumb to convey the idea of the trinity. The devotion of the early faithful to these images is seen in the loving detail, right down to the gentle color of the cheek and the mournful emotion of the eyes. While Orthodox Christians do not worship these icons, they have for fifteen hundred years used them in worship to be transported from the temporal to the eternal.

  The Holy Light
from Jerusalem

Click for a documentary clicp

Some people paly with the Holy Light but they don't get burned


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Fertile fire Jerusalem
4/18/2009 4:46:16 PM
HOLY LIGHT ATHENS 2009 April 18th, 18.00

Click above

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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