Branka, You are a little difficult for me to understand, but at the same time I understand very well from much that you say...I understand the Spirit you are speaking from and the overall message, and perhaps you may have misunderstood me, or perhaps I say things not so well, because I do hear you and in full agreement.
I am very glad this message of yours, that you see the one true God who comes to us as Father, Son, and Spirit, and that there are many other gods men idolize and seek after. Yes. I am hearing you today and understanding the truth you are saying, and yes, it is a liberating truth that makes us whole! You are beautiful spirit Branka and yes I know this same Lord and Savior and doubt that there is any disagreement. I also understand the difference between you and the doggy. I was just saying how these little creatures have such an instinct and faithfulness toward their owners. Very good Branka, love kim