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Re: It's Time To Congratulate DIMITRA BRAVOU, the 184th POTW!!
4/16/2009 4:08:49 AM
Hi Nick,

Thank you for visiting this forum and for your congratulatons to me. I've already sent you an invitation to become friends.

My best wishes for the coming Easter. Hugs and kisses to Anamaria.


Flag of Luka Babic

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Re: It's Time To Congratulate DIMITRA BRAVOU, the 184th POTW!!
4/16/2009 6:19:40 AM


My dearest Dimi,


My comp prevented me to come here earlier.

I really feel like an elephant at the glass store ... never can know when my comp would say : now it was enough !

And thanks to the school comp I am here, to share with you the joy of this great recognition, which is more than deserved.

Each time when I read your story Dimi ... it touches me very much. Somehow, each man enjoys the same quantity of the honey and the gall ... and what the heart speaks out IS OUR SAGA ABOUT THE PERSISTANCE AND APPRECIATION.

I cann‚t imagine life as only weaved from the light moments. Noooo. Too much light should make us blind, faster than a full darkness.

Balance between of the 2 of them.

Yes Dimi, your story is SAGA about VIRTUE to match the balance.

Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks for being always the same one : warm, sincere and just great.

Love you very much,




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Re: It's Time To Congratulate DIMITRA BRAVOU, the 184th POTW!!
4/16/2009 7:32:14 AM

Hello POTW team!

Great job, and another deserving member of the POTW train!!

Congrats to Nick and Stephen!!  Enjoy the time as VOTW!!

Hello Dimitra!!

And many congratulations.  I love the way Thomas referred to your gentle spirit - he is so right on!!  You are so much a part of this community and I cannot imagine it without you.  I enjoyed reading your bio and know from reading it that you and I are more alike than I ever recognized before. 

Enjoy your week as our POTW.  You very much deserve it and I know you will have fun with it.  I am feeling quite honored to have you for a friend.

Hugs and blessings,


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Re: It's Time To Congratulate DIMITRA BRAVOU, the 184th POTW!!
4/16/2009 8:54:16 AM

Hi dear Luka,

It’s so weird that when I see your photo, I think you’re very familiar to me. And I don’t mean through Adland community. Maybe it’s the way you look, I really don’t know. I think we have met somewhere before. Who knows! It’s a matter of metaphysics!

When you post here, I and I’m sure all our friends, feel the love coming from your soul. Even the graphics you use are so smart and relative to the thread.

I’m sorry for your computer. But all have faced similar problems many times. Don’t worry; problems arise when we don’t want them at all (lol).

You say, my story is a SAGA! Whose isn’t? Well, I have to say that when I was about 12, I had the great idea to write a story about a girl (obviously me!!!). 3 months later, I got bored and I stopped it. During our lives, we all can write great stories (ok, if we are not bored quickly). You have a great story to write, if you like to. And I’m sure you’re a good writer. Oh, this reminds me of your Article Of Virtue. That’s a great idea. I know, writers die poor, but who knows. Harry Potter’s writer could never thought of her success, but look at her now!

Hmm, I think I’m about to write a story here! It’s better to stop now!!!

My dear young man, thank you so much for your friendship.

I wish you and to your dearest mother a very very HAPPY EASTER. I know, you’re not together but each of you can have a happy one. Easter 2009 will never come again. Enjoy it.

Love and hugs,


Flag of Dimitra Bravou

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Re: It's Time To Congratulate DIMITRA BRAVOU, the 184th POTW!!
4/16/2009 9:01:27 AM

Hi Judy,

Thank you for you kind words. My spirit arises from what I’ve already received from most of you here.  And you are one of them.

Saying that we are much alike, I guess you mean my personality. The free spirit in me. Sometimes I wonder if this is not good for others but still I cannot change my character.

Best regards,



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