Looks like this discussion has dwindled, hope it has given enough feedback to make a good decision.
Write-in votes are working in the POTW and when more new members get involved, it will gain them as new participants. I like this one statement - "SHOW YOUR FACE, TELL YOUR OPINION AND LEAVE YOUR SIGNATURE".
It would do away with those multi-accounts being able to vote numerous times. However, it is fine the way it is to me. When the photo contest was begun in 2007, the voting there went from 60-30 each week until early in 2008 where it went from a high of 48 votes to a low of 17 votes. It was a great contest and could be again with good team leadership.
It looks as though the high vote in BFA is 84, with a low of around 39. That is not bad, but with as many members as we have it could be better. It is up to us to support and bring in more participation.
Pauline and Joe, you are doing a very good and sometimes thankless job here. Along with many others we appreciate you.