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Flag of Sheila Kennedy-Robinson

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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
4/11/2009 5:35:08 AM
Dear Luka, as you know I contacted you on your private message box and you have asked me to post my message to you here so I will do that now.

Peace Love and Light


Dearest Luka, Thank you for inviting me to the new forum and a heartfelt congratulations to you on a job well done.

I grew up in a Western Medical household where my father taught nurses [ he had wanted to be a doctor], and my mother was a nurse. The expectation was that I too would be a nurse, and for me my passion was to be a veterinarian. Despite this nursing background I was ill all of my life.

Instead I had 5 children in a short 7 years, and was still very ill.

Some many years ago now, about 30 I stated looking at other ways for me to get well, and I studied and learned many things. Now I share that knowledge with other people who wish to make a difference in peoples lives.

I am looking at setting up a school here in Australia for people to come from around the world and to learn many different forms of massage, and healing techniques from myself, my husband and other teachers.

We will be having a young friend of mine Stuart from Uganda coming who has been studying Occupational therapy, and we will sponsor him to do so and then support him to assist his own people with a healing center, he is a minister, and already helps many people.

I also have a Macedonian friend who will work with me to set up a center or centers in your part of the world, she is a school teacher and a wonderful lady. Julie has already taken my sounds to Yugoslavia and worked with a soccer team, her husband trains soccer here in Australia and her son plays, she has done some training with me also.

My Grandfathers family many generations ago were Romany, and settled on an island off the coast of England so I have many connections with various parts of the world, including an adopted Indian brother, a Yugoslavian daughter in law, an adopted son who's wife is Lithuanian, and of course my good friend Sir Roger who lives in my original home of England

If you would like to talk to me about this at some time my email is, my web sites are

www.absolutehealthand  is my husbands site

We would love to be able to offer you our assistance in the future for your chosen path

Peace Love and Light

Flag of Luka Babic

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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
4/11/2009 5:40:12 AM

Thank you Sheila,

I am really grateful fro your come back.

Getting to know you a little better, I wished to encourage you to tell to our friends a little more about you.

The best way is if you do that :) .

This is an appreciation forum, but also one in which I wish to promote all my friends rich in the knowledge and talents.

I think a many of them would be happy to learn about your profession and the way you can share your knowledge.

Thank you once more and God bless you!

Happy Easter to you and your family!



Flag of Sheila Kennedy-Robinson

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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
4/11/2009 5:59:49 AM
Dear Luka, I will admit to cutting and pasting the following from my web site, I am not good at talking about ME, so I hope that this will do

Much Love


Vibrational Kinesiologist, Natural therapist, and Teacher

So who is Sheila Kennedy-Robinson? She was born Sheila Carran in England in 1950, the eldest daughter of a two parents who came from totally disparate backgrounds, and with a family line  of Scottish / Irish / Welsh / Manx/ and Romany   heritage.

With her Father’s unrealised desire of being a doctor being negated by his working class family, he left school at fourteen and became a hairdresser, putting his age up for the second world war, he was injured and invalided out of the army and spent his recuperation time working in an army hospital as an orderly.

Returning to  England he turned to nursing, and it was here that he met the woman who would become his wife and Sheila’s mother. Now normally these two people from totally disparate backgrounds would never have met, however circumstances intervened, and they married some years later.

Sheila’s father went on to become one of the first men to be accepted London University to study as a Sister Tutor, a qualification that enabled him to train nurses and he continued to expand his knowledge and skills for many years.

A disappointment as a daughter, not a son, and added into that strong Celtic background the combination of a psychic Welsh grandmother and a Manx grandfather of Spanish Gypsy ancestry, Sheila was a challenge to her very Western Medical parents. 

True to her Romany background she was born with the ability to 'see'. This ability caused her considerable problems with her parents as a child, including being sent to her room on many occasions for having an over-active imagination.  She was admonished on a regular basis by her mother and told 'Not to eat biscuits before you go to bed if you are going to have nightmares.".

The one saving grace for her as a small girl in all of this was her paternal grandmother Jessie Carran (nee Gretton), a wonderful Welsh woman, who not only always had a lap and a hug for a small, very shy granddaughter, but who also understood that the people she 'saw' those who had passed away were as real to her as the physical people with whom she came into daily contact.

Despite her parents medical backgrounds Sheila suffered from Ill health all of her life, from being given a year to live at age three, and a great deal of difficulty with her mobility during her growing years, eventually diagnosed with a bone disease in her legs once the family had moved to East Africa, which kept her isolated at home when other children her age attended boarding school.

Moving to Western Australia in 1964, Sheila attended high school in Kalgoorlie before leaving home at eighteen to begin her journey as a mother, and a mother she is, with five children in seven years and two quite disastrous relationships, including a violent schizophrenic alcoholic ex partner, she struggled with her own ill health as well as the health of two of her children.

When Western medicine continued to fail not only Sheila, but also her children and supported by her new husband she turned to alternative therapies almost thirty years ago in a search for health and well being. This was the start of the long and interesting journey that has led Sheila to being who she is today.

When Sheila suffered a fall at work nearly twenty years ago, [1989,] she spent the next seven years incapacitated and in severe pain, a walking frame, walking stick, crutches, and a wheel chair, which saw doctors tell her that she would never walk again, and would die very young.

During this seven year period Sheila had become a grandmother for the first time, buried her husband from a severe stroke, had gained four extra children and become ‘Aunty Mum’ from a new relationship with an old friend, as well as losing three grandchildren and many other family members in a short space of time.

Now this was twelve ago, and no one had counted on the sheer determination that had been the mainstay of all of Sheila’s life. She was determined that she would walk and walk she did. Badly and with a built up shoe to compensate for a leg which had become ‘shorter’ through muscle spasms while in the wheel chair she spent time on crutches and continued her visits to alternative therapists looking for health.

Much of Sheila’s knowledge she has gained in her own search for health, health for herself and her family, the Grandchildren have continued to arrive, and two years ago she became a great grandmother for the first time.

Sheila has studied and learnt from many amazing teachers and yet often her most powerful realisations have been from working with those clients for whom all else has failed.

Sheila’s clients are many and varied, scattered around the world and from all walks of life, yet they all acknowledge that knowing Sheila has made, in many cases, a significant change in their lives and their health.

Now fit and well Sheila offers her clients a varied combination of modalities ranging from Vibrational Kinesiology, [The Dawson Program], Reiki, Spiritual / Aura Healing, Chakra Balancing, Self Empowerment and Regression therapies, Holographic Kinetics, Hypnosis, The Children’s  Learning Program and now Vibrational Sound therapy originally known as  The Healing Sounds, and now renamed as Sounds from Source.

Sheila’s journey into healing included studying Metaphysics and Energetic and Spiritual Healing, Certificate of Intuitive Mastery, Practitioner of Power Imagery, Chakra balancing, Hypnosis, Vibrational Kinesiology  through The Dawson Program, and Holographic Kinetics, as well as being a Reiki / Seichem master.

Sheila recently married Trevor Robinson (another world renowned healer) on the 29th of December 2007.

Currently she is completing a PhD in Metaphysics through the University of Sedona as well as creating new programs in conjunction with Trevor as well as continuing with programs of her own. Together, they have created and are continuing to create a family of websites devoted to health, wellness and healing using their very special abilities and insights.

Sheila is the founder of The Children’s Learning Program, and The Healing Sounds and Sounds from Source  Practitioner Programs, through The Healing Sounds and The Healing Sounds Academy, and the Sounds from Source Academy

She is a Member of The International Institute of Specialised Kinesiologists, The Sound Healers Association, and the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.

Sheila’s courses have been taught both in Australia and Brunei, and it is planned to make them available to a wider, world wide market in 2008

Sheila in addition to her ongoing commitment to The Sounds from Source , and the Sounds from Source Academy, is also currently writing a book for Children, who can also 'see'.  This book is intended to help the child understand what is happening for them and also is a help to their parents, in understanding what their child is experiencing.

Children are a passion for Sheila, who believes that if you can help a child you do not have an adult with a problem.



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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
4/11/2009 8:52:10 AM

Dearest sweet Lady! Dear Sheila,

I am really honored by motivating you to even copy and paste :) . Thank you very much!

That`s exactly what I sensed : too big modesty !!!

Adland is JUST PERFECT PLACE to be "healed" from it.

Speaking about yourself, before people who are : a) positive

                                                                         b) openminded

                                                                         3) warm and friendly

etc ... is best thing what can happens  to us. I was too shy and too modest. My mother the same. LOL - now we are sometimes (unintentionally) at the edge of an arrogance :) .

It is a big honor to get to learn about you.

Blessings and hugs,





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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
4/11/2009 3:56:08 PM


I am pleased to drop in and contribute.

You now know what a wonderful person we have here in Sheila. She is making a difference in your life because you ask and she always responds.

Her aims are wonderful and I know that things will happen in the world as she wishes.

Healing is a very (as we say in English) broad church. I mean that there are a huge number of methods and techniques and no one way is THE answer.

Sheila has chosen to look at these choices and to make a difference in the world. She is MAKING that difference.

Your choice of what you do in this world is wide open and not confined to Serbia, Europe, The Americas, Australia etc. Let Sheila be an example.

I am following what this lovely lady is doing and will help where I can. I have my challenges but I see them as reasons to do, not reasons not too.

Do you realise that by just being you and projecting that humour, that self-searching attitude and a determination to find answers that you are contributing to healing in others (even the spirit needs to be healed). Look at your life as a servant and you will be rewarded.

There are areas of Sheila's work that I have not had experience of. There are areas of my work that she knows little of, BUT, by not knowing we can remind each other of the doubts that others have.

I must go no further for now as it will just complicate things. This forum is a celebration about your uniqueness.

This is an important time in your life. What you decide now is important, but, other opportunities will arise. I BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN MAKE YOUR FUTURE. DON'T ACCEPT LESS.



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