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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
5/31/2009 12:59:51 PM

Dear Pauline and Joe,

Don`t know what to tell you :) . I greatly appreciate your will to help. I AM JUST SURE NO ONE OF YOU DIDN`T TAKE MY MONEY :) :) :) (There`s reason for mentioning that :) ).

BTW - I really have created that forum for my friends.

Kathleen, maybe I am too lyrical :) and your well grounded help is now finally appreciated as it deserves.

I was a bit angry on you this morning.

I love Joe and Pauline much more than all the money of this world, and just felt unpleasant and upset when saw your post.

Kathleen, I would ask you to give me some lessons about money. Beside being Serb (that is a kind of trouble :) - we are too emotional ) , I was educated by lady who is a true wizard in making money, but her scheme and veeeeery weird relation to money - no one can figure out. Meaning : she is  the queen as barefoot and homeless, as with the crown and a big fortune. 

But I am not she, just one very close and very puzzled :).






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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
5/31/2009 1:23:55 PM

Hi Luka,

You know I love you very much and I would not put a public statement to make you angry.  Yesterday you said something like "There isn't really a $200 prize is there?" and that made me sad because Adlandpro is very important to me and I know the prizes ARE given, and we want this to be an international place where everyone trusts what's written by the admin-backed elections, I do trust it.  I knew it had to be just a mistake or was overlooked.  Love is all there is and I love this place and trust it with my life always, the difference between me in 1997 being a total mess and then getting into Adlandpro (classifieds) in 1998 gave me a true daily focus and turned me away from my own messes. 


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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
5/31/2009 1:35:40 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Just because Adland means so much to me, I wouldn`t mention that money. It was you making the planes, if would win this prize, what would do with money, and I honestly asked you if you think this prize is real, because no one mentioned me anything about money ? (except at the this forum here).

I thank you again for your concern. Each of is different, and has a different approach to the problem. If we didn`t speak last night, I would never mention this to anyone. 




Flag of Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
6/1/2009 2:24:39 PM
Hi Luka,

I'm sorry to see that this happed. Usually I get notification from Pauline, and then the winner sends me their Pay Pal email address.

If you have not sent it to me (and I can't remember every opening this kind of message from you) or have not indicated that you would need a check sent, I would not act on it.

Also in the future, just let me know that something is not handled. This will not need to be considered by the entire community.

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Re: And the Best Forum Award for April 2009 goes to......
6/1/2009 2:46:28 PM

Hello Bogdan,

HERE IS MY SINCERE APOLOGY. Surely, things should not be commented in public.

It was my mistake and it has it`s prize. I feel pretty ashamed.

I sincerely apologize.

Luka (hope this time from my account)


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