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Re: PHILOXENIA#: The Beauty of Nature -Hip Song and New Orleans
8/5/2009 2:54:08 PM
Dear Jill,
I have been thinking about this post for a long time now and whether or not to respond. My conscious got the better of me and I decided that there are those who are no longer with us who might have something to say and can't.
It really makes you wonder the significance of the floods and how there was such a dividing point:  (1) Those who screamed that the government was not doing enough, (2) While others united together in heart and went to work.  It sent a message to the world, but I also cannot speak for others unless I lived through it all.  So, THANK YOU!!!

There was no dividing point; the last call I was on was from my son who is now 20 years serving in the U.S. Marine Corp assuring me that the National guard was surrounding the city and would be sent in as soon as the winds died down.
They did not.
When they did come, they surrounded the super dome which was filled with sick, elderly, children and criminals with assault weapons to keep them in like animals.
They were not sorted out or divided.
They had no air, water, bathrooms or food.
The screams were coming from whole families trapped in attics with water rising to cover them while they tried to hand babies out of holes they had chopped in the roof to escape.
Some of the screams came from old, crippled and blind who had been abandoned by staff in nursing homes.
There were no screams from anyone who slept on the interstate highway that last night before I left by ambulance-the rescue drivers, however, were in tears because they had been kept from coming in to rescue us-the job they had been trained to do.
The babies did not cry.
The dogs did not bark.
The soldiers went out in boats loaded with guns and ammunition from before daybreak to sundown.
There were no screams as we rowed past bodies bloated in the water covering the streets that had been walked just days before.

No, dear-there were not 2 groups. Only alternating waves of emotions shared by all.
Now I'm done, time to think of happier things.
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Re: PHILOXENIA#: The Beauty of Nature -Hip Song and New Orleans
8/5/2009 7:48:02 PM

I love this site.  I need new word to tell you how much you are appreciated, but it always comes out the same.


Hi Joyce,

Hey friend, I just signed up for Netbug, see you there
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Re: PHILOXENIA#: The Beauty of Nature -Hip Song and New Orleans
8/7/2009 3:48:56 AM

Hi Joyce,

Bless you my friend for following your intuition and taking the time to respond to my post.  I definitely did not mean this to hurt or offend anyone, but I should have taken the time to better chose my words.  Like I said, I did not live through this horrific nightmare as you did, and for that reason alone, I cannot adequately comment.

I tend to analyze things from a consciousness perspective and I vividly remember a division being created through our media that sent a message to humanity.  I wondered WHAT/WHY over and over.  I firmly believe that when one is harmed, all are harmed, so my post reflected what I was thinking out loud.

I was so angry at how our govt handled the aid I could not see straight!

I know you want to put this out of your mind and I totally sympathize, but I just want you to know that I love and honor the place you are in (and have been) and I would not hurt you for the world.

Maybe someday God will help us to understand better.

I am sorry.

Hugs and blessings,  Jill 
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Re: PHILOXENIA#: The Beauty of Nature -Hip Song and New Orleans
8/7/2009 8:35:07 AM
Never-ever could such a loving heart hurt, nor offend-and was not taken as such.
This was an excellent opportunity to once again try to educate and open a few eyes.
The 'anniversary' date is soon upon us.
I personally don't accord it such sentiments to call it an anniversary-but that's what will be said.

When I started trying to blog and such it was to memorialize everything I was going through because the facts were getting fuzzy even as they were happening.
Since the media was kept out of the city (except Brian Williams, of NBC who very bravely stayed in the superdome the whole time- was the only national news person here) - almost all of the newz was fabricated.

I did not see his piece for a year-it was accurate.

Government mis-management going back to the construction of those levees in the 1960's (causing problems and being complained about since); there are a couple of people due to be sentenced this month I believe for taking bribes to not tell anyone the levees were seriously compromised.

The truth of things not ever dared to be thought of before is out there-the curtain has been pulled back-and still people either refuse to see or are too scared to see that New Orleans is not an isolated case of structural failure!

I wrote a warning about this matter in my first AdlandPro writings-since then; bridges have been collapsing, buildings falling down-all kinds of unthinkable things happening across this country that did not have to happen-but we manage to keep ourselves distracted with silliness largely produced by the media.
Keep enough fast moving images in front of the peoples eyes and they can't see anything at all.

I said to myself at the time that I must have been there to witness and speak about what was going on because I had never intended to live here again-yet here I was.

I thank you my dear Jill, and my dear Georgios for keeping this issue in the minds of people.
It should be discussed, disected from every angle like a cadaver in a medical class-how else to learn to cut out disease and heal the patient.

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love Jehovah above all and the 2nd greatest is to love thy neighbor.

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Re: PHILOXENIA#: The Beauty of Nature -Hip Song and New Orleans
8/7/2009 10:18:23 PM
Dear sweet Joyce,

My heart goes out to you for all the horrible things that happened to you and to all the people in your city and state.  I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to keep it in front of you, but then again, has it ever gone away.  Time heals all wounds,but that can be a life time.  I think you are handling as well as anyone ever could.  May you be richly blessed forr all your woes.

Sending love with hugs,

Thanks Georgios for the opportunity to express my feelings to Joyce
