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Kim Stilwell

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Re: A Life With a Non-Curable Disease
3/21/2009 6:44:07 AM

Good early morning Michael, as I am here not awfully far from you in upper Michigan.  I hear you say that your faith has only increased during this affair with MS and I get pleasure in hearing that!  Although I don't have MS I do know that this life comes with various kinds of trials and pains and sufferings that make many of us look up for the greater hope and comfort.  Although I can't speak from your own perspective, I have concluded in my own life experience which has held enough pain that I would never want to repeat it, that all in all it's been worth it in order to have known the awesome Grace of God that meets us according to our need.  A favorite scripture of mine talks about Grace being given where it's needed, so that I have seen that the greatest pain and suffering or need has been met with the greatest measure of Grace from God.

In your own life I imagine you have come to possess some heart and wisdom that some do not know and cannot know because they have not known the pain and suffering you have.  So in this we can find compensation in God and some of those interior eternal treasures which my dear will surely always remain with you. 

I'm an Lpn working in Nursing homes for 11 years and have spent quite a bit of time with a handful of people with MS and did homecare once with a guy who had it.  I hear you describing the various odd ways people can respond to you, and I've seen this plenty from not just strangers but family members who seem to not know how to respond when they visit loved ones who perhaps are aged and dying or perhaps have become terminally ill and such scenarios.  It's been my goal to help these people to understand that their loved ones are no different than they ever were and that they can just relex and talk to them as normally as anyone. 

It's funny how family members will come in and treat their afflicted loved ones as if they are fragile china dolls, and we treat them just like we would anyone, and sometimes family members are shocked!  ha ha.  It's just a lack of understanding; people don't realize that people are just people no matter what is affecting us physically.

Anway Michael, I am sure that God wants to encourage you today, and it's always my heart to try to find just what his word is for you today.  I want to accept you into the human race today, knowing that you are one of us, contrary to the ideas some people have, and face "with you" the reality that this life is not a bed of roses and is not really said to be; atleast God didn't say it would be...but rather it's a time filled with many trials to face, many pains to endure, but ultimately there's reason for it all, and when we do finally see in full and know as we are known on the other side, we will rejoice in the purposes that we can't fully understand today.

If you like or need another person to talk to, feel free; I'm always around and as you can see am an endless talker but also do love to hear from the thoughts and hearts of others.  So write sometime; I will enjoy to hear what you have to say,  Sis Kim

Nick Sym

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Re: A Life With a Non-Curable Disease
3/21/2009 4:19:48 PM
This is for you Michael, make a wish my dear Brother in pain !

The Big Wish


 I wish I could gently run my fingers through the stars,

and dance in circles in a refreshing, cleansing rain

To take all the people in the world that hurt,

and wash away all their tormenting pain


I wish I could fill the empty stomachs of the children,

and promise to give their little hearts hope

To give them my word of a bountiful future,

so their tiny spirits could cope


I wish I could stop the senseless slayings around the world,

the slow destruction of all mankind

To generate an everlasting peace,

that we soon must all find


I wish that I could take one minute,

to speak with Almighty God

And ask him the one big question "Why"


Only to find I will get my answer,

on the day that I must die!


By Nick Sym

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Michael Derowin

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Re: A Life With a Non-Curable Disease
3/21/2009 5:55:14 PM

Concentration seems to be the hardest part of everyday for me right now. When I can concentrate it seems everything is depressing and brings the Spirits down. Mobility has come down to sitting on a Scooter or in a wheelchair now. With no Mobility of the right leg and little in the left leg makes it hard but doable. 

One of the hardest parts of M.S. to deal with is the Depression and the level of exhaustion it brings so quickly. Depression is a sickness on its own which many people suffer from just in different forms and stages with or without M.S. I live one day at a time dealing with problems as they arrive, sometimes I am lucky enough to have a trouble free day. Keeping to myself I do not have many friends I have been told I have turned into a Hermit. This does not bother me I only go out when I have someplace I have to be at the time.

Attempting to keep my Spirits up at times is hard but I do manage with help of friends that count and who care. Many people inquire how I am doing even when they do not know me out of respect not in a disrespectful manner.

It gets harder to see a light at the end of the tunnel for a cure to be found. The research being done is on Relapse/Remittance and seems to moving forward as the Research continues. I personally have Progressive which has had hardly any Research done due to funding. So when an event happens where I can <a href="><strong>Contribute</strong></a>, then I do all that I can to help.

Michael Derowin

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Re: A Life With a Non-Curable Disease
3/22/2009 1:04:43 AM

Good Afternoon Kim,

People are strange when it comes to the Disabled thinking we are frail and can do nothing for ourselves as I was told one time. I may be Disabled in the body I was given by God but my Mind and Spirit are flying high and strong.

My  Family comes together when we are needed to console each other when the time is there. We have had enough pain and suffering with members of the family passing away at home with Loved ones around them.

Life has and never will be a bed of Roses for me nor do I want it that way as you do not really live then. The only way to live is thru trail and error so you may learn the lessons in life which are important to learn.

I have had the Honor to live my life to the fullest by making mistakes but learning from them.This Disease I was given by the Lord is a test of my Faith and learn to handle the stumbling blocks it creates along the way. Many have said I have been blessed with the Art of writing Poetry. Kim if you have not had the chance to read any of my Poetry there is many in my other forum.

Kim may you and your Loved ones be Blessed by the Lord.


Michael Derowin

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Re: A Life With a Non-Curable Disease
3/22/2009 1:25:44 AM


My Adland Brother thank-you for such a Beautiful, Heart felt Poem. You have been Blessed with the Art of Poetry, feeling and speaking from your Heart. I am Honored by your Poem as it speaks of so many truths of many I wish that I could perform even one of these wishes you have just spoken.  

Nick may you and your Loved ones be Blessed in everything you do.

