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Re: VOTE - BFA April 2009
3/19/2009 6:07:08 PM

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Re: VOTE - BFA April 2009
3/20/2009 9:33:41 AM
I threw a vote your way. YAY!!!
Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: VOTE - BFA April 2009
3/20/2009 11:30:41 AM
I agree with Rajaram, part of the judging is about graphics, what if the person's computer cannot handle posting graphics? Everyone doesn't use the same computer system. Also, it was mentioned to me before during one or more of the times I came close to winning, that my loss was partially due to myself and visitors not staying on the topic. Peoples' conversations usually do branch away from the original topic, trains of thought go to other ideas. Is that really something to lose judging points about? These are forums within a networking community, networking is not a term of absolute focus because it must contain numerous unknown entities, people. Are forums losing points because there are PEOPLE in them having conversations that veer off the topic such as a music group? Which reminds us of other music groups, or eras in time, or memories, or whatever? Are we to stay precisely on the topic of the group featured in the first post only? I'm using my Whammy music forum as an example here in mentioning that subject. That's why I told my forum visitors to stop nominating Whammy because I'd rather have it veer off to other related conversations and not conform to a strict adherence to stay on the first post topic.
Flag of Rajaram S.K.

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Re: VOTE - BFA April 2009
3/20/2009 11:25:12 PM

Dear Kathleen VanBeekom and BFA Team,

Thanks Kathleen for agreeing with me. I really appreciate your lovely response and the way you pointed out other points for the BFA Team and CEO to think about. Except the attractiveness in using Graphics, from somewhere, other sources, to attract people to ADLANDPRO.COM, I don't think that should make some difference, when used and when not used...THOUGH BEAUTY IS REALLY TO BE APPRECIATED, WHEN BROUGHT IN.... But...... Anyhow, there are some other politics playing, unknown to me and many others, that play a big part here, I feel so, that we are quite either unaware of or simply few neglect that to happen that way......since many of our brothers and sisters seem to be quite about it........ For example, when Mr/Ms .....XXXXX is appreciated otherwise in many forums, when the question of voting xxxxxx get only few votes or no vote at all....How and why are the questions, everyone has to think? If given chance for me and may be many others too, we will vote for all our friends, nominated, grading them with Marks, if necessary....but that is not the case right now......

I am not against any rules prevailing.....but only need some changes, taking opinions from everyone, especially the experienced ones. You may also take in opinions from all, as several lines of thinkings are essential right now. Please allow everyone to express freely. Still, CEO's decisions shall be FINAL. We cannot interfere with his decisions. WE CAN ONLY SUGGEST. I SINCERELY HOPE THAT EVERYONE RESPOND TO THIS HERE, IF YOU ALL PERMIT TO DO SO.

Yours sincerely

with Love and Peace to all

Rajaram S.K.

S.K. Rajaram
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Re: VOTE - BFA April 2009
3/21/2009 12:16:47 PM

Hi Rajaram,

I'm going to say one more thing, probably not a popular statement...

What's the point of adding points to the top 3 vote-getters from a potentially invalid vote-count from an electronic ballot?

The foundation of that vote is already questionable, so giving people more points for already having a high number of votes may only be an incentive for some to find any way possible to initially inflate their own vote count, not by cheating, of course!  But possibly by requesting new members just to come in and vote for their forum, when those new members have not had time to visit around all the nominated forums yet. 

$200 is high stakes for a non-verifiable voting system.  Winning is not always about the best, sometimes it's about who wants the prize the most.  People are people, not perfect competitors.

