Hi Rajaram,
The Nominations/Election thread does NOT usually start with disgruntled visitors.
I'm going to explain how we tally the nominations.
Starting with the first eligible Nominator, this week was Alain...
We write the list of his 7 nominees and put 1 mark next to each name.
Then we go to the next eligible nominator, this week was John, and we continue writing the list of nominees with 1 mark next to their names,checking if John or any subsequent nominators have nominated any of the same people as prior nominators, we find those nominees in the list and put an additional mark next to their names.
So then by the end of the poll, we have a long list of nominees, some with many marks next to their names, some with only a few or one. The nominee who has the most marks, wins. They've received the most nominations.
As we're doing this, we also make a list of the Nominators in the order they posted, then we count backward from last among all eligible nominators and choose the 7th and 10th from last to win a free ad on the Congrats thread of the POTW winner.
Also in this process, we click every link or do a People Search on every nominee and check to see if they have an active forum. If not, they are notified by personal message to start or activate a forum before the poll closes, or add their last name to their profile, fix whatever is causing them to be ineligible.
NominatORS without last name or active forum are notified to fix, or their entire list will not be counted. We have never counted the nominees of ineligible nominators, no matter if they have posted a list every week, they will not be counted.
This format cuts out a lot of ways of cheating, people with multiple accounts, or manipulating an electronic ballot.
Anyone is free to go through all 8 past write-in threads and do their own tally. Remember to skip over Nominators without last names, click to see if they have inactive forums, etc.
It's not difficult, and does not take much time, but it is very systematic.