Hi Alain, That is why I asked if you knew anyone from Canada. Yes, my father was born in Quebec. I'll bet it has changed a lot since he was there. Actually, when people would ask his Nationality he would say "French Canadian Canuck" and he would bring his voice up a notch or two probably in a way to say, "Do you have any problems with that?" He was 4' 11 1/2" tall and my mother was 4' 11" He would call her the little woman and I would just stare at him. I wasn't about to say anything however, because he worked for a Beef company as a butcher and hefted sides of beef on his back all day long. I was amazed at some of the weights that I would see him carry. He was small in stature but a Giant to me. My parents, Mike and Sarah Caron R.I.P. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com P.S. I was always called Little Mike. That always confused me.