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Roger Macdivitt .

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All about Stress
3/16/2009 6:50:02 PM
OrchardTherapyportraits008.jpg Roger image by romacmail          Roger  &  Sheila                 sheila.jpg Shiela image by romacmail

Sheila Kennedy-Robinson

Hi I live in sunny Queensland in Australia. A great grandmother x 2 and an Alternative Holistic Practitioner. I am passionate about helping people to be well, and I love working with children, I believe that if you can help a child you do not have an adult with a problem.


Roger L. Macdivitt

Hi, I’m from England. Married with two daughters and three granddaughters. I am a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner and an advocate of the Law of Attraction. I have specialised in work with children and vulnerable adults. I run corporate and personal Goal-Setting Workshops.  


All about STRESS

This information and discussion forum is brought to you by

Roger Macdivitt and Sheila Kennedy-Robinson


What is stress?            An intro by Roger Macdivitt

For our own protection we have to state that the information here is not presented as an alternative to medicines or medical advice but represents our views based upon our own findings, training and experience. Whilst we may talk in terms of success or failure we accept no responsibility for the actions and consequences of such, which might be brought about by following the advice/views of ourselves or others here.

If you were to enter the word stress into a search engine you would get a huge number of pages. Why? Because it is considered to be a problem of our time. What is generally known as stress today is really more accurately described as unhealthy stress.

The UK Healthy and Safety Executive defines unhealthy stress in the following way: "the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them".

(Healthy) Stress is a necessary and normal part of human life which helps us to learn, grow and protect.

The presence of stress releases hormones and neurochemicals that are designed to help us to fight or take flight. As animals this is an essential response to danger, however, as thinking and hopefully responsible humans we have learned to control our need to fight on most occasions.  Even so, our body still attempts to give us the right tools for the job. If, hopefully most of the time, we choose not to fight, we build up an unused store of these chemicals. In other words our primeval instincts may not be appropriate in all modern situations.

If you were to ask your doctor, boss, family members, your minister, tutor, life-coach etc. what stress is in your life you would get several different answers. It is really an abbreviated version of distress. It’s dictionary description contains words such as force or influence, push, compress, twist, disease, strain, mental tension etc etc all relevant and combine with many areas of human experience and emotions.

Prevention is, as always in medical conditions, better than cure. We aim here to outline some of the ways in which you might control or avoid stress or even deal with it’s bad effects.

Our first information will thus be The Prevention and Control of Stress.

We will outline our methods and experiences here and invite comment. We hope that you enjoy the discussion and hope that sufferers gain from this forums contribution to health.


Alain Deguire

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Re: All about Stress
3/16/2009 7:16:25 PM

Hello Roger and Sheila,

That is a great idea and certainly can make a huge difference for many people... Thank You so much...

With Lots of Friendship,


Re: All about Stress
3/16/2009 7:19:46 PM

Thank you Roger and Sheila for this forum.  It should be very popular here in this community.  I am very happy that you started it.

I will post a link in my forum and try to send more people your way.



Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: All about Stress
3/16/2009 7:37:51 PM


This is Roger.

I shall present the first part of this forum and my co-presenter Sheila will be here soon.

Here is the poem about stress that Sheila was inspired recently to pen for Sara's Poet of the Month, March in which her work was highlighted.


 Stress they call it, I wonder why

Is it because you often cry

Or is it then  a man made word

That describes something often heard

If we take the letters true

Why then they may explain to you


S, big and bold italic too

Does this mean anything to you?


T and then the T well it may mean

Temper tantrums more frequently seen


RRRR indeed now there’s a fellow

For times when you may not feel mellow


E now for emotion E does stand you see

For a shoulder to cry on then come to me


S is a letter rounded so

Where is this stress then meant to go


S another S and rounded too

Is this stress mine or does it belong to you


For often children if you will

We take on thoughts that do us ill

As well as worries problems too

So ask yourself do they belong to you?

And if not yours why then to ask

Please some one else take on this task.


I pray you do not have stress in your life

And a Prayer poem for you


It is with a prayer that I speak to you today and of prayer I speak to you


For prayer it is a sacred level of communication


We pray to a source we deem higher than ourselves


We ask for guidance in the tasks of our daily lives


There is honour in acknowledging that of a higher source


And honour in the being open to receive the messages in return


In prayer there do be a two way connection between thee and thine


A communication of soul to soul in a blessed state


An understanding and a love one to the other


There is a handing over of the concerns and worries of the day


And a trust that these issues will be taken care of


Yet is prayer understood or is it done with that of habit and need for truly prayer is your communication with the divine source of all that which thee may deem god allah budda mohammed and as such is as unique and special as the stars in the sky the smile of a child and you yourself child of the divine blessed in the eyes of the almighty for are thee not truly loved and truly blessed


My prayer for you this day is that thee may experience all that thee wish and hope for and that thy prayers be answered


Elohim Shalom Pax


Peace Love and Light



Re: All about Stress
3/16/2009 9:15:22 PM

Roger  &  Sheila;

Thanks So Much!  What a great topic for this time in our world, in adland and in families.

A lot of us were, are or may become stressed because of LIFE, the economy, job losses, unemployment, marriages, less than perfect people we meet or know..etc etc..

That's why for my list of adland friends; I really am praying for each of them most every week or two by name for God to guide and help them.. and all of us here at adland to make it, to get by, to do great at what we enjoy doing.



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