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Jim Allen

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We Surround Them Tonight! WE ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!
3/13/2009 1:55:33 PM

Hello ALP Friends and Visitors,

I will be at this tonight and will be joining in the live event after the show online.  It WILL Be Interesting and WE ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!

March 13, 2009

On Today’s Program

We Surround Them Tonight!!! 
It's finally here -- the 'We Surround Them' special. If you feel like you don't have a voice - if you feel like you don't have a special interest group that's fighting for you - tune in tonight to Glenn’s special and you will not feel alone...because you are not alone. Watch a country come together tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! 
Obama: economy 'not as bad as we thought'
What happened to 'we may not recover from this crisis' talk? The President has been in office for not even two months and already he's changed his tune from 'act now or the United States might not make it' to 'hey, things aren't that bad---buy stocks!' An absolutely amazing transformation that has left Glenn and many others scratching their heads. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)
One of the most honorable man Glenn knows...
Sergeant Greg Stube stopped by the program today and Glenn talked about why he is so in awe of our troops, especially people like Stube and Marcus Luttrell. Besides the obvious sacrifice that our men and women give for this country, what is it that Glenn finds particularly admirable? Check out the interview. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)


Wal-Mart solving health care problems...

And they are doing it without government help! It's crazy how this market thing works. Wal-Mart is proving that the free market will eventually fill the holes in the system -- they've already filled one gaping hole by providing cheap over the counter drugs. By doing so, they forced the hand of the competition (like Target) and prices started coming down at other stores as well. So what is Wal-Mart doing now to help lower costs in the health care industry? Find out here

Insider Week in Review

Insiders got access to all the goods this week -- including but not limited to:
>> Insider debate sparks on air argument between Stu and Glenn
>> Stu's movie review: Friday the 13th
>> Glenn unveils 'We Surround Them' TV special details to Insiders only
>> Comedy Bits like 'Exploitico's We Surround them Drinking Game,' Liberal Common Sense film strip, the Obama Collectors DVD and more!
Get all this and more by becoming a Glenn Beck Insider today!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: We Surround Them Tonight! WE ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!
3/13/2009 5:24:41 PM
HEY Jim!

Don't buy any stock. Check the news tomorrow. You companies collapse one after one. Poor American people if you knew who are behind>>>>>>. You are surrounder by nightmares and halluciantions!

I recommend you to hear the speech of JFK that may be the reason he was murdered by your secret service and not the "communist" Oswald as told from beinning. You damned party people took his life. Check who President Jonsons' realtives were.

Click on John F Kennedy - murdered 1963
from the front and not from the back

Happy Week End
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Jim Allen

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Re: We Surround Them Tonight! WE ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!
3/13/2009 7:24:45 PM

Hello Geo,

You refuse to accept the fact that there is a grassroots movement that has come together not because of party line or affiliation.  But because of shared values and principles.  You are categorizing the many based on the actions of a few.  You should be rejoicing in the Awakening.

America's future is not necessarily the one, trying to be forced upon us.  American pride and spirit has been held back too long and it is ready to burst at the seams.  Real Americans are speaking up, not neo-cons, or neo-liberals, or any in between.  Those that once said no, never in America, are seeing it happen and are mobilizing to stop it in its tracks.  You can count on it.

Have a good weekend,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: We Surround Them Tonight! WE ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!
3/13/2009 8:57:58 PM
Hi Jim

It is true that a small team of international people are organized to meet a catastrophe. They have supplies for a year or so. there are many DUMBs around the world and most of the modern countries have a special program for very few chosen people.

If we will not overcome the crisis there will be a war or athe natural catastrophe and very few will survive.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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