3/8/2009 7:26:58 PM
From the welcoming of the Olympic Flame 2004 in Sitia Crete. This is the oldest Hymn to PEACE. Music set by Zachos Terzakis.
Original text and Literal translation: J.-A. Mac Gillivray
Ιώ, Μέγιστε Κούρε, χαίρε μοι, Κρόνιε, παγκρατές γάνους, βέβακες δαιμόνων αγόμενος Δίκταν ες ενιαυτόν έρπε και γέγαθι μολπά ταν τοι κρέκομεν πακτίσι μείξαντες άμ αυλοίσιν και στάντες αείδομεν τεόν αμφί βωμόν ευερκή.
Ιώ, Μέγιστε Κούρε χαίρε μοι Κρόνιε παγκρατές γάνους, ένθα γαρ σε, παίδ' άμβοτον, ασπιδηφόροι τροφήες παρ' Ρέας λαβόντες πόδα κρούοντες αντέκρυψαν.
Ιώ, Μέγιστε Κούρε, χαίρε μοι, Κρόνιε, παγκρατές γάνους, .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ...................τας καλάς Αούς
Ίώ, Μέγιστε Κούρε, χαίρε μοι, Κρόνιε, παγκρατές γάνους, Ωραι δε βρύον κατήτος και βροτούς Δίκα κατήχε πάντα τ' άγρι' άμφεπε ζώ α φίλολβος ειρήνα.
Ιώ, Μέγιστε Κούρε, χαίρε μοι, Κρόνιε, παγκρατές γάνους, Αμιν θόρε, κες σταμνία και θόρ' εύποκ' ες ποίμνια κες τελεσφόρους σίμβλους.
Ιώ, Μέγιστε Κούρε, χαίρε μοι, Κρόνιε, παγκρατές γάνους, θόρε κες πόληας αμών κες ποντοφόρους νάας θόρε κες νέους πολείτας θόρε κες Θέμιν καλάν.
| STROPHE 1. Hail.! Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos Master of all gone below ground return to Dikta for the changing year at the head of the divine pageant and rejoice in your happy hymn, which we blend with harps and pipes and sing as we stand round your well-walled altar....
Hail.! Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos Master of all gone below ground return to Dikta for the changing year... for here they took you from Rhea, babe immortal, the shielded wards and beat the dance with their feet.
STROPHE 3. Hail!
Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos
master of all gone below ground
return to Dikta for the changing year …
.................. of Dawn's fair light.
STROPHE 4. Hail.! Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos Master of all gone below ground return to Dikta for the changing year at the head of the divine pageant... The seasons were fruitful when men served Justice and prosperous Peace swayed all creatures. IN WEALTH LOVING PEACE..!
STROPHE 5. Hail.! Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos Master of all gone below ground... Come now to fill our jars, come for our fleece and crops, and come to fulfill our fertile desires.
STROPHE 6. Hail.! Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos Master of all gone below ground... Give your bless upon our cities and upon our sea-faring ships, bless the new citizens and equitable laws.
 Click above
=))ΙΙ((= MYTHODEA =))ΙΙ((=
"Mythodea: Music for the NASA Mission: 2001 Mars Odyssey" is a choral symphony by the Greek electronic composer Vangelis performed at the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens on June 28, 2001. Mythodea was made the official theme music of the mission involving the NASA unmanned spacecraft orbiting the planet Mars.
The symbol of GROUP E - Eternal Wisdom
click above (Song and Video Clip)
(YouTube: Credits to Kategida21)
Music Composed, Arranged and Produced by Vangelis.
Electronic Keyboards by Vangelis.
The London Metropolitan Orchestra
Blake Neely, Conductor
The National Opera of Greece Choir
The lyrics that are allegedly sung by the choir are:
Come Zeus, Child, you must, Zeus Eros, I call for you to come, Zeus my God, You are inside us, you Child God. God lives inside, I call for the Mother, God. Coming from Zeus, alone from Zeus. Zeus Child, Child you must. ...
I am refering to the OLYMPIAN GODS the only true expression of "KnowThySelf" and "EI" . As long as we pray to DIAS, ZEUS, DEUS, THEOS (Life) He will not abandon us. He will come to encourage us. Is war the solution, war it will be, BUT we will conquer them with our divine language, culture knowledge and wisdom.