Hello to all my Adland Friends:
I wanted to let you know that I am still alive and well on the planet earth.
I am doing great with my new hip. I was walking like Chester from Gunsmoke for the last two months (for those under 35 years old, Gunsmoke was an old western tv show). Now I just have a small limp. It takes a while to re-build all of the muscles and ligaments in my hip and leg.
I have physical therapy three times a week and I walk everyday that I don't have therapy. So, by the end of the day I am pretty tired out. Needles to say, my computer is the last thing I have on my mind.
I do think of all of you often and I do try to get on long enough to check my messages several times a week.
Thank You To Everyone Who Has Been Praying For Me!
I Am So Blessed To Have Found Adland.
Love Bev.
