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Can philanthropy survive this downturn in the economy?
3/1/2009 6:45:39 PM

Hello, my friends...

The dictionary definition:

phi⋅lan⋅thro⋅py [fi-lan-thruh-pee] –noun, plural -pies.

1. altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes.
2. the activity of donating to such persons or purposes in this way: to devote one's later years to philanthropy.
3. a particular act, form, or instance of this activity: The art museum was their favorite philanthropy.
4. a philanthropic organization.
For most of us, Philanthropy....  the giving of one's time.... the giving of one's hard earned money towards the betterment of mankind...
When people are working harder & longer hours just to make ends meet, do they still have time to give of themselves?  Are they still able to financially make charitable donations?
Being involved in a non-profit, charitable organization, I can relay that monetary donations are significantly lower this year (27%) than they were at this same time last year.  We have also seen a drop in volunteerism.
It is during times like this when every penny counts...  when any selfless act you can do, matters most! 
It doesn't matter what you choose to do, or where you place your efforts, so long as it is selfless and for the betterment of mankind.  Clean a playground, visit the abandoned in a nursing home, visit those in treatment, volunteer at a library or school, support a breast cancer walker....  whatever....  just choose something, and then just DO IT!
If we could get everyone in this world to just pick one thing...  just one...  & they all actually did it...  can you imagine the world we could have???  Can you close your eyes & see it???  You've got to believe...  you've got to keep the faith that we CAN change the world... & then you've got to have the courage to try!
I,for one, will keep on...  I will never give up & I will stay the course till the cure for Breast Cancer is found...  I will continue till there are no more names to add to our Wall of Memory....  I will fight with my sister and brother survivors... and in memory of the many loved ones lost....
What will you do?  How will you help change this world? 
Share here...  where it's okay to cry....  where it's okay to laugh, to love, to yearn, to dream, to hope....  where a friend will always have a hug handy.....
Loving hugs to all,
JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
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Re: Can philanthropy survive this downturn in the economy?
3/1/2009 8:21:04 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works

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