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Alain Deguire

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Let's Celebrate the Women of the World...
3/1/2009 8:45:46 AM
Dearest Friends,

I want to invite you in joining us to Celebrate the Women of the World...

Our friend Dennis just started a wonderful forum about...

The International Women's Day...

PLEASE, join us there!

Life on the planet is born of woman

Adrienne Richardson

With Lots of Friendship,

Luka Babic

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Re: Let's Celebrate the Women of the World...
3/1/2009 9:07:22 AM

Dear Alain,

Thanks for the invite, I`ll go to visit there.

In my region this holiday is celebrated from the communistic time. Feminists and church do not celebrate it. My mother doesn`t celebrate it. Granny - she welcomes all what is opposite from my mother :) ... so I buy her some flowers and chocolates, and if she permits, do some chores instead of her.

Now I will seriously start thinking about the predictions that western part of the world runs towards communism. Hmmmmm ...

Alain, wish you to have a joyful Sunday!




Alain Deguire

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Re: Let's Celebrate the Women of the World...
3/1/2009 9:23:22 AM
Hello Dearest Luka,

Thanks for visiting and for your insight on the subject...

Personally, I am certainly not looking at this opportunity to Celebrate the Women of the World in any kind of political or religious way...

For me, this is the occasion for a moment of thought regarding all of these women, all of what they are living and experimenting worldwide in terms of inequality and in support to their fight for equality and, especially in recognition of all these wonderful women in my life. What would I be without them? I would not even be here in the first place...  They most certainly deserve all of the honor they can get!

With Lots of Friendship...

Have a wonderful day!


Luka Babic

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Re: Let's Celebrate the Women of the World...
3/1/2009 9:31:38 AM

Dear Alain,

I apologize for involving politics here :) ; I wasn`t thoughtful at all .

Surely I respect and appreciate women ! Actually, I do it every day. Seeking for my best male identity - how can I recognize it without having a true respect for women? So, let`s celebrate that day!



Alain Deguire

8052 Posts
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Re: Let's Celebrate the Women of the World...
3/1/2009 9:56:48 AM
Dearest Luka,

There is no need for apology... you were just expressing to me how it was in your country and for your mom and granny... and, that's perfectly right.

I was just coming back to tell you my own point of view about it and why this is important to me to Celebrate these women Worldwide.

As you say it, they are certainly very precious to us... Men of the World!

Let's Celebrate...

