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Rinna Rani

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Re: The Spirit of Giving
3/3/2009 6:32:55 AM
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for sharing Jill's forum.  I saw her post and I have to say what she posted was really true beyond words.  But sometimes, we forget and that is the worse reason - FORGET.

Wonderful just wonderful what you are doing here - spreading the word and Jill of course, will always suprise me endlessly.  Her heart is just a pure joy with endless stream of kindness.

You are awesome Cheryl.

Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: The Spirit of Giving
3/3/2009 11:37:28 AM
Thank you Cheryl,

First I'm glad to see you back.
And second, you have chosen great person for this topic not to mention the importance of this topic.

Jill is an excellent example of a person who shares and encourages others to be positive.

I can't believe length of one of her forums which continues for months.
A Journey to the Mountain of Love

Congratulation Jill and everybody else who shares positive spirit here.

Bogdan Fiedur

Patricia Bartch

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Re: The Spirit of Giving
3/3/2009 11:51:01 AM

Thank you ~ thank you Cheryl for Jill's SPIRIT OF GIVING thread.

Jill was one of the first people to welcome me to Adland.  She and I get along just wonderful.  Maybe because in real life, we are almost neighbors!  (does living in a neighboring state count?! )

One of her topics that is so much fun and has meaning too is her Please share a FUN Photo - Make My Day! thread.  My gosh, it has over 11,000 views!

Her Mountain of Love topic is a joy. I am so glad I'm involved with a fun and loving bunch of people.  It's fun because of Jill.  Her zest for life,  her attitude of respect to people.

I admire Jill so much and I'm glad to call her a friend.

Thanks again,


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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: The Spirit of Giving
3/3/2009 3:20:32 PM


Thanks so much Rinna for coming over and sharing your comments with us.  You are a kind soul & I appreciate it! 

You're right...Jill does have an endless stream of kindness that she shareds & I'm glad people see this.

Yes, sometimes we all need to be reminded of what's true.

Take care & blessings to you!

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: The Spirit of Giving
3/3/2009 3:30:55 PM

Hi Bogdan,

What a pleasure to see you here! Thanks for your welcome back...I'm glad to be here & I do want to contribute in a positive way.  I couldn't think of a better way than to highlight Jill and a wonderful post of hers that I stumbled upon.

I will check out the link that you left.  You are super for dropping by & posting your kind words. I appreciate it & I know that Jill will also.

Thanks again Boddan.

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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