Thanks for welcoming Adria, Sara.
I guess my point is, it gets kind of like Hollywood, you know no new thoughts just remakes and part 1,2,3,4 etc. of what once was a good show. You know after I saw the original Jaws about 14 times.
I was really let down with JawsII and subsequent ones after that. You know they become blasé and uninteresting, and not very creative endeavors as the original. And definitely not the impact of the original.
I can hardly get excited about the latest Halloween 43 movie remake, no more than I can seeing the same faces in all the awards forums up for awards they already own. ;-)
You know I made the mistake of nominating the POTW last year only to be told much the same as stated above. But, things change (New BFA Rules) I guess, even though at the time it was being ran by new faces too. ;-)
So I like new faces and can't wait for some of them to break through the glass ceiling here at ALP.