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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/20/2009 11:25:13 AM
Hi Jill!

Thank you for the visit anc your kindness. Love is divine and love is the answer. I agree. The critical understanding is in knowing the difference between individual and collective empowerment, and to operate in the dimensional folds of collective empowerment where you release ego-ownerships, ego-visions and ego-rewards. To stay centered in alignment in the peaceful energy of balance we need a pure collective channel.

Seal - Love's Divine

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Kindly Regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/20/2009 11:47:23 AM
Hello Sara!

Thank you for standing by us. Thousands and thousands of thank you for the poem. Friends are those who understand a person when all the others turn away. A related video clip to your poem is the song I dedicate you.

Carrie Underwood
I 'll stand by you

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Happy Week End
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/20/2009 12:17:38 PM
Hello Judy!

Thank you for your comment and your visit. You are a great friend and your attitude to have peace what we all want and what we all fight for. Love is not a single feeling but an emotion built from two or more feelings. Anything vital to us creates more than one feeling, and we also have feelings about our feelings (and thoughts about our feelings)


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Happy Week End

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/20/2009 1:29:10 PM
Hi Friends!

All for one and one for all is the message in this very special thread. My advisors and mentors want me to dedicate following to those of my good friends who lately felt indignity and were pressed down by evil powers and expressions of satanic behavior. Perfection is not posible in life because life is always an ongoing process that never stops. It goes on and on. Working together and supporting each other we can defeat negativity and bad behavior.

There are two kind of people. Those who want you down and make you obidiant to their will and those who really care and support goddness. Stay close and united. The satanic followers fear a united community where people together work for a better world under the Creator and his will. A Greek proverb says. When the devil has nothing to do he hits his children.

OSHO on Perfection


Happy Week End
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Robert De Merode

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/20/2009 2:27:12 PM

Hello Georgios,

Nice graphics in that video of Osho you put up here Georgios, but that is all the complement I would grant it. The idea behind it is total and cavernous heresy of the deepest kind. Even for an Orthodox I do not see your intention for granting the phrases that affirm a non perfection of Christ or that perfection is absolute death? Of course I do understand that everything as well as its opposite can be debated on a forum nowadays, but again I would like to stress that freedom or liberty is only such when it is tended towards the truth. All else has a different destiny.

Friendly yours,

